Highly Customizable Operating System that looks like Windows 7, 8, or even 10


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Is there any other operating systems that is highly Customizable? I've tried a few Linux Distributions, but I can't use it because of my Wifi usb adapter. I am currently running Windows 10 and want to dual boot with another OS. I know Windows 7, 8, and 10 you can customize this and customize that but I want something different. Any ideas?


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I don't know what else to suggest.

There's Windows... and then there's Windows.
Hackintoshing it? Ehh, not exactly the pinnacle of customization.
Linux? Oh wait you've tried that already.

I'd look into fixing that driver issue somehow, because there's literally nothing else. Other than installing another Windows OS. Or throwing something like Xubuntu or Fedora into a VM.
I don't know what else to suggest.

There's Windows... and then there's Windows.
Hackintoshing it? Ehh, not exactly the pinnacle of customization.
Linux? Oh wait you've tried that already.

I'd look into fixing that driver issue somehow, because there's literally nothing else. Other than installing another Windows OS. Or throwing something like Xubuntu or Fedora into a VM.

I have the drivers for my Edimax Wifi adapter on a flash drive and on the actual cd it came with, but Linux Ubuntu, Mint, Xubuntu, Fedora, and Zorin OS won't recognize the drivers on it.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I have the drivers for my Edimax Wifi adapter on a flash drive and on the actual cd it came with, but Linux Ubuntu, Mint, Xubuntu, Fedora, and Zorin OS won't recognize the drivers on it.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Maybe there's something generic or Linux-y you can use...
Although I don't know, might not be popular enough.
Unfortunately windows is not open source so forget customising it...however if you have already tried Linux Ubuntu etc...give the android OS a try! You can install a android OS on your PC....if you want to know how or your interested let me know...i can help you on that!
Unfortunately windows is not open source so forget customising it...however if you have already tried Linux Ubuntu etc...give the android OS a try! You can install a android OS on your PC....if you want to know how or your interested let me know...i can help you on that!

Windows may not be open-source, but that doesn't mean its hard to customize.

Open source is seeing what code goes into it. Its still an open platform, just not open source, as in freedom to do things. Windowblinds can theme, ClassicShell replaces the start menu, you can change startup applications, modify system files, sound schemes, etc.
That's why Windows is used in a boatload of things, its highly flexible - it provides the foundation, many companies then tailor it to their needs.

I'm not sure how well Android x86 will go, but probably worth a look.
I know that guys...i meant he already tried windows so dual booting another version of windows with windows wont help much...i suggested him to give android x86 a try... I did try android x86, liked it in the beginning but useless for me as I have windows phone and windows desktop to keep things in sync...so no need of another OS lol
Chrome OS?

I won't suggest Free BSD, since that's still Linux-y.
That's true..... I would rather like a thread in any appropriate sub forum in windows central forums where people can post which desktop operating system do they use apart from windows on their PCs.! We could all learn from everyone's experience about using different OS according to their usage and also their advantages and disadvantages.😉
Laura, well Chrome OS did come in mind but it just doesnt feel like a Operating System to me. Chrome OS is a all internet based OS and im just not feeling it.

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Well, android x86 isnt 100% what im looking for but i might try it out in a few hours.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

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