People don't seem to understand what true multitasking is here. True multitasking is that the application continues to run despite it has been minimized (This is not the definition though, but a special case for mobile OSes) and you are working on another program. Right now for example I listen to a youtube clip and I want to continue to do that while I'm working in another program, it isn't possible. This is possible in by default in Symbian, BB10 and even Windows Mobile!!. I'm a bit surprised that Microsoft went this path with totally suspend applications with their long experience with this. They seems to have copied Apple a little bit too much but for a business phone, true multitasking is a requirement.
They should enable true multitasking for their applications and totally suspend an application should not be a requirement. Android has a middle way, that screen off will suspend all applications but sometimes even that isn't enough. The problem with this is if the browser is running and some heavy flash ad is running eating your battery despite your screen is off, how should you prevent that? Well, one solution is that you can enable/disable this functionality on application basis and you are responsible for this yourself. Another possible solution is that you limit the time a program can run in screen off mode.
I wish they made Windows Phone more like desktop windows regarding this. Also that they update the contents of the applications in task switcher screen just like on your taskbar in desktop Windows
I'm not a dev but I think its up to devs to make their apps work in the background. I'm currently playing a youtube app using Metrotube while typing this on the WCentral app.