How can I close one Word document from the task bar without closing all of them?


New member
Jun 5, 2018
I have Win 10 at work (recently everyone got new PCs), but I have Win 8.1 at my home. I'm used to working with multiple Word documents and closing what I don't need anymore from the task bar; that is, by right-clicking and closing it. I do this rather than the "X" button on the Word windows themselves because I can easily see them all right down there.

But to my absolute amazement, in Win10, if I close one of them out in from the task bar it hard kills every document I have open. I'm incredulous. It doesn't even ask me to save information. It just shuts them down and then goes into document recovery mode upon opening Word again. Document recovery! Are you kidding me?!

I NEED a way to turn this off. Even if I try to remember to never use 10 in this way, my muscle memory is going to make me mess up once in a while and kill documents sometimes.

I hate Windows 10 very much.

Please help me out. Thanks.
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Perhaps right-click on an empty spot on the taskbar and select Taskbar settings.

If you change the "Combine taskbar buttons" option to "when taskbar is full" or "never", you'll be able to see and select individual documents.

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