How can I get pictures off of my Nokia 680 Classic?


New member
Jun 19, 2016
Getting pictures

I have a Nokia 1680 Classic phone purchased in the UK The Sim card is not active and I don't use the phone here in Canada. I have pictures on the phone which I would like to retrieve or send to my computer. There is a very tiny USB looking input (Smaller than a Mini USB. Can anyone tell me what kind of cable I need to get these pictures or how to do it. Thank you very much, Bruce
Re: Getting pictures

I have a Nokia 1680 Classic phone purchased in the UK The Sim card is not active and I don't use the phone here in Canada. I have pictures on the phone which I would like to retrieve or send to my computer. There is a very tiny USB looking input (Smaller than a Mini USB. Can anyone tell me what kind of cable I need to get these pictures or how to do it. Thank you very much, Bruce

Should be a classic micro usb port, as most of old nokia glorious devices
Re: Getting pictures

I can't email the pictures because the phone/Sim Card is not active.

Takes a mini SIM... You just need an adapter to take advantage of your current SIM.

I like the kind that has a sticky plastic sheet on the top to hold the SIM firmly. Check a local phone resale shop if you are in a hurry or look around Amazon.

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