How did you setup your Lumia Icon start screen?

This is my start screen for the moment. As with my other Windows Phones, I am sure this will change often. Had a difficult time at first with all the extra real estate on the screen.





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I asked the same questin through a pm. It's Top Task List. Takes a little bit to figure out but I also really like it.
These forums don't let me upload images from my computer to here, but just pretend my home screen has tiles and stuff :)
This is how I set up my cousin's Start Screen. It will surely change when he gets it and starts customizing it, but for now I just wanted to emphasize the best of Windows Phone, i.e. weather live tile, pinning people, different tile sizes, Halo on Windows Phone, Xbox Music (also got him a 1-year pass).

View attachment 57573

I really love how the weather is setup with the smaller icons towards the left and right. I use to have a similar up with the medium tile on my HTC 8x. It just looks very appealing to have to that every now and again. I'll be borrowing it for when I get my Icon tomorrow! :)
Screwed up my first post :-)

I really like how you have set your phone up. Can you tell me how you got the day to go vertical and how you have the personal and work items showing?

I am using Simple Calendar for my calendar live tile and that is one of the themes available for it.

Simple Calendar | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

The Personal and Work to-do lists are separate live tiles from Top Task List.

Top Task List | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

It does take a little bit to get it setup but I think it's very intuitive and straightforward. Create a folder within the app for each category and then you can pin those to the start screen. You can set up due dates, reoccurrences of tasks and ordering of lists by date which is pretty slick for things that you have to do over and over again. You can also assign colors to the folders which will change the color of the respective live tile. Also the developer is great and actively works to incorporate user feedback with regular updates. Plus it's completely free and has no ads other than a static ad on the about screen for another of his apps.
Between custom tile colors and sizes I think we as Windows Phone users have the best start screen options out there. I've seen a lot of great ideas on threads for other devices and think the Icon should have one too.

Post your pics and if you used a unique app or technique to get that custom look please share what you used and how you did it.

I find that it takes me a few days to "nail down" what I want but I'll start this thread with my first draft. Lately, I've enjoyed the high contrast setting and try to get a nice equilibrium between form and function.

View attachment 57572

how did you do that? I like the black tiles

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