How do I get my touch sensitivity option back?

Vinayak Rajesekhar

New member
Oct 30, 2014
Touch Sensitivity Option Missing

My mother recently bought a Lumia 535, which I spent considerable time with.

It's been nearly a month since the purchase, however I continue to see no option for setting the touch screen sensitivity, unlike my Lumia 520.

How do I address this?
Re: Touch Sensitivity Option Missing

From what I've read across the web, the Lumia 535 is simply lacking this specific feature. So unless Microsoft decides to unlock it for this specific device, there's nothing you can do about it.
Re: Touch Sensitivity Option Missing

My mother recently bought a Lumia 535, which I spent considerable time with.

It's been nearly a month since the purchase, however I continue to see no option for setting the touch screen sensitivity, unlike my Lumia 520.

How do I address this?
This feature is still not available. Even after the touch screen update it didn't show up. Lets hope MS add this
Re: Touch Sensitivity Option Missing

I wouldn't get my hopes up too high about the 535 getting the "Touch Sensitivity Option" since even the Lumia 630 doesn't have it.
But 630 might not get it and the models below it might, considering what Microsoft has done recently.
Re: Touch Sensitivity Option Missing

Actual there is no reason to not enable it if it could be done. To me it looks more "hardware" related.
So you need a "special" kind of touch panel to use the increased sensitivity.

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