How Do I Make A Playlist?

Philippe Maes

New member
Nov 7, 2012
You can also create playlists in iTunes and then sync then with the Windows Phone Desktop App, works perfectly.


New member
Jan 11, 2013
Unfortunatly it doesn't work. Only the playlist name is copied, but it still blank. Microsoft abolished playlist on WP8. The best way to copy your playlist is by change your phone to iPhone or Android.


New member
Mar 6, 2013
LOL I am coming from iPhone then Android. Just bought a Lumia 920 and this phone is just great except for WP8. With iOS and Android you can create playlists on the fly but not on WP8. What's the use to have the "most advanced" smartphone and to have to connect it some online account or even your PC just to organize what you want to listen on it. Try that at 35,000 ft on a flight between London and Tokyo!
Microsoft developers should use iPhone and Android phones before designing their OS, after all how do you want to beat the competition if you don't even include their best features. Guys, we don't need to reinvent the wheel here, we just need something better or on par with the rest.


New member
Mar 13, 2013
I just got myself a Lumia 820 with WP8.
I thought: copy the music files to my sd card; create a nice playlist and off we go...
But unfortunatelly that's not how it went with these stupid playlists! :-(

The way I eventually solved it; was by using MediaMonkey.
In the tag Genre; I put the name of the what I would like the playlist to be called. e.g: Calm; Running; Party (in function of the task I like to name them)
Then I copied them over and went to the 'Music' screen in Windows Phone; there I went to 'Genre' topic and then clicked the play button next to the genre I wanted to play. (this way all the songs under that section get added to play)
At the bottom I then select 'save as playlist' and give it the same name; now all my songs are added.

But then I wanted to order them a bit... again misery :-(
I finally solved this by opening Windows Explorer; going to my Phone device to the 'Phone\Playlist' node and then doubleclicking the playlist I wanted to edit.
(If you don't see your playlist after creating it; just disconnect the usb cable and reconnect.)
This opens a very simple and user-unfriendly dialogbox which isn't even resizable; but it does the job! (Trying to open the playlist in Media Player doesn't even work, I would assume this is the app to use!)

All of this just for creating a playlist and editing it????????????????
Microsoft sure has a long way to go to get this feature mature! Isn't there somewhere to vote; contact them?
I can't imagine that they actually find this feature user friendly; it's barely usable.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
Like was said before, the easiest way is to create playlists in Windows Media Player, then sync those playlists to your phone.


New member
Aug 30, 2013
I've figured out how to create a playlist without going through all the hassle of using a computer! This is only for songs saved on your phone.
1. you need a stop music app from the store.
2. Go to the Xbox music+Videos and use the "Stop music app" to stop the "Now Playing" music since it can't be stopped manually yet
3. go to all your songs and click the "select" button.
4. Choose the songs you want to put on your playlist.
5. After that press the three dots/menu tab and press the "Add to now playing list".
6. It will now play on the "now playing" then click the three dots/menu tab then click save playlist!

There you go! its not as efficient, but it does the job! :D

Arafat Sa

Dec 9, 2012
A very basic function to add music into a playlist would have to take ages to figure it out. Microsoft is a Joke.


New member
Aug 10, 2013
I've figured out how to create a playlist without going through all the hassle of using a computer! This is only for songs saved on your phone.
1. you need a stop music app from the store.
2. Go to the Xbox music+Videos and use the "Stop music app" to stop the "Now Playing" music since it can't be stopped manually yet
3. go to all your songs and click the "select" button.
4. Choose the songs you want to put on your playlist.
5. After that press the three dots/menu tab and press the "Add to now playing list".
6. It will now play on the "now playing" then click the three dots/menu tab then click save playlist!

There you go! its not as efficient, but it does the job! :D

This is the single most frustratingly backwards thing about WP8 for me personally (well, that and multi-tasking). Local playlist manipulation on a Windows Phone is abysmal; inflexible and unintuitive. I suspect that it's a back end thing, based on the fact that Nokia have included absolutely no way of building playlists from within their app. Either way, I hope it's something they are looking in to, as I find the Nokia Music app pretty good when you take that point out of the equation.


New member
Aug 12, 2013
has somebody noted that, there is an option to add playlist directly to the windows phone in the Windows Phone App for windows?
i don't know though how it works !!


New member
Nov 22, 2012
has somebody noted that, there is an option to add playlist directly to the windows phone in the Windows Phone App for windows?
i don't know though how it works !!

Didn't notice that. Have you tried the stand alone Xbox music app? It's not a finished version but it is really easy to make playlists with it. It also syncs such lists with the music app on your Windows 8.1 just fine.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

Dan Hildebrand

New member
May 28, 2015
This is the only recommendation I've found so far that worked. Not only that, it worked well and it worked fast! Thank you very much!

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