How do you carry your device?

I use to carry my older Palm phones in my pocket. They were pretty thick and sturdy. I have since changed to a holster. I work construction and I see a lot of the newer, thin, large phones screens crack in peoples pockets. So it's more of an occupational issue with me.
Right front pocket with nothing else. I wouldn't mind an Otter box case for my Focus S to use at work.

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^ right on brotha. Mine stays in my right pants pocket with nothing else. Keys and change in my left pocket and wallet in the back. Now that's it's getting chilly outside i put my phone in my inside breast pocket of my jacket.
Left front pants pocket, by itself. Everything else in the right pocket.

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Jacket / shirt pocket. Easier to pick up and change track when listening to song.
Otherwise, trousers' pocket.

Won't put it in bag because outdoor the phone ring is virtually inaudible.
While holster... difficult to find and too exposed to pickpockets
Vertical flip case (turned horizontally) on my belt. Took 5/6 tries but found a nice leather case (Naztech) in brown or black, that fits my Surround perfectly.

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I would carry in a holster but my GF thinks I'm a big enough nerd. Don't need to give her any more firepower. So Shirt/jacket pocket when possible. otherwise... phone in the right, keys in the left.
Left front jeans pocket sans keys and coins during a casual walk when its cool enough. Pocketbook for traveling when its warm/hot (Florida).
In hand when shopping.
Top shirt pocket when listening to tunes.

I do miss the wrist strap I'd installed on the GRT case for my palm pre, something I'd carried over from Treos and older flip phones.

But I can't locate any convenient ways to install a wrist strap on my HTC Arrive.
Thing is, I find myself holding this phone much more than I have any other device!

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