How I install Win10 Fall Creators update...!


New member
Mar 26, 2015
Hey folks!

I'm sure many of win10 users have been downloaded the latest Fall CU but some of them still fighting with unknown errors, confusions.

OS version: Win 10 Home Single Language (64bit only)
Installed via: Media Creation Tool (ISO)
ISO file size: 3.55 GB(approx.)
Download and Installation time: 2.5 hours(approx.)

I'm going to tell you how to install win10 FCU (build 1709) on your system with ISO.
Maybe you'll successfully install this update by following these simple steps:
  1. Download latest MCT(Media Creation Tool) from Microsoft official website.
  2. Download ISO on your system via MCT. It will take some time to download(time varies with your internet connection speed).
  3. Open downloaded ISO file, then choose first option(total 3 options there) if you don't want to remove any personal files/data. (I chose first option)
  4. Viola! Now all you need is to be patient for minimum 2.5 hrs(installation time will depend upon your HARDWARE specs).
  5. After Successfully installation of build 1709 (16299.15). You'll need to install cumulative patch via Update settings.
    FCU base version.png
    FCU Patch.png

    #Quick Tip:
    If you still get a problem with cumulative patch(KB4043961), then download standalone installer from MS-Catalog by clicking here.
  6. Finally, you've been installed latest version of Win10(16299.19) without any problem.
    FCU CU1.png

Still getting any problem? Don't forget to check this helpful article(s):

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