How long is MS going to make us wait for Lumia Camera?

Exactly! And all the reviews of the 830 would have been much better!!! In 80% of all reviews, one of the few cons was the slow camera!
With Lumia camera they would have had one con less, and one pro more!!! IDIOTS!!!!

And where is the problem to give Lumia camera just to 830 users? Because then 930 users are upset? Come on....

Yea, I mean I f'n love Windows Phone and I honestly have no desire to switch. It suites my needs quite well and I enjoy using it -

But when you see stuff like this happen you can't help but go ... "ARRRGGGHH!! MICROSOFT!!!!!!"
Correct. They tease you on the IFA, and then let you wait 2 months now!
Then they change the name to Lumia camera, without any changes.
Well, there is nothing we can do. But I get the feeling there is something wrong...
Someone got twitter account and can ask ms please?!

I did - I got the following response: "Stay tuned!" .... I'm tuned, let's go already!

Hell I have denim on my 830, but I DO NOT have the most touted feature.... LUMIA CAMERA! Where the f is it???

How do you announce a phone, spend an hour talking about how great the new camera app is and release the phone without said app??? Wtf Microsoft... For the love of god, please please get your stuff together

You can't get this Lumia Camera on your 830 or are you taking about something else ? : Lumia Camera | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Sure seems that way.

What I glean from twitter (following various Windows personalities) is that, namely with the open sourcing of .NET that just went down, Microsoft has revealed their plan B - Android. Some are already guessing that Windows 10 for mobile will simply be a forked android distribution, similar to Amazon's Fire OS efforts.

Obviously it's too early to say something like that and truly mean it, but it's an interesting thought.

You have got to be kidding. You take any of that seriously?

They're making .NET open because that's how you keep people motivated and interested in your framework. If you haven't noticed lately, MS has lost its monopoly control over much of the development and computer market. So now they have to make their products competitive. Open source is the best way to compete against open sources competition to state the obvious...

That does not mean they are scrapping Windows and creating a forked Android version for phones. That is the most ludicrous thing I've heard in a while. Nokia did that last year and MS smashed that within seconds of acquiring Nokia.

People will literally say anything these days.
Call me old fashioned, but when you demo these cool camera features with tons of speed that lumia has never really had before, and get everyone super excited... You're phone should probably launch with access to those features.

Withholding the demin powered camera app for Rubino-knows what reasons is a little baffling.

Crazy theories:
They're purposely holding back the Lumia Camera app because it's not living up to the hype, and AT&T fears mass returns - so they are dragging it out past week 1 purchase return windows, lol ;)

Something in the coming DP update is needed for Lumia Camera to work properly.


Actually the desire to expect instant gratification pretty much defines the opposite of old fashioned. How are they withholding anything from you? Was it not demoed as something that would come with the next firmware update? Does not every company in the business do the same thing, or was Android 5.0 available when first demoed/can you run out now and buy an Apple watch? I am sorry but this just cries out an expectation of entitlement. They are not withholding anything, nor are they making you wait for something; nor are they cowering in fear of returns of a carrier phone; nor do they even have a close enough relationship with any carrier to conspire in such a manner. They announced something that would come with a firmware upgrade and it will be released when it is released. Your world is also probably not coming to an end because you don't have a future feature on your own schedule....
Uhm...sorry, but my Lumia 830 HAS GOT Denim! And as far as I understood they said it will be available on the 830 when its released! Even that top Nokia image guy was surprised when someone asked on twitter where the camera app is ! He also thought it should be preinstalled!

Get your infos sorted!
Let me just say this once again... ITS NOT PART OF DENIM!

Anyone saying ita part of denim will be virtually ***** slapped.

Its Lumia camera, a new app that REQUIRES denim. A very different distinction.

Point being, said app still is not released!
I think most people understood that :)
I was so happy when I saw the Lumia camera update in the morning, but then I read the news... :(
That does not mean they are scrapping Windows and creating a forked Android version for phones. That is the most ludicrous thing I've heard in a while. Nokia did that last year and MS smashed that within seconds of acquiring Nokia.

How do you know whose idea it was? I'd be willing to bet that Microsoft was behind the Nokia X project. Maybe they wanted to experiment with Android before purchasing Nokia. Wasn't there something in the contract about Nokia using WP exclusively? Wouldn't Microsoft have had to approve anything else?

One thing that suggests that Microsoft was behind it was that Nokia X had Microsoft's services, not Google's. If it was totally Nokia's doings, I would think they would have used Google's services, since they would have known that leaving them out would make it less desirable.

I don't know the details, but I don't think you do either.
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How do you know whose idea it was? I'd be willing to bet that Microsoft was behind the Nokia X project. Maybe they wanted to experiment with Android before purchasing Nokia. Wasn't there something in the contract about Nokia using WP exclusively? Wouldn't Microsoft have had to approve anything else? I don't know, but neither do you.

No, Microsoft was not allowed to be involved. Legally Microsoft could not interfere with any decisions Nokia made or was making until the purchase was finalized. This was explained many times in many articles.
Sorry for being out of the loop, but can someone give me a breakdown of Lumia Camera vs. Nokia Camera (which already exists) vs. ProShot? I have used Nokia Camera and it works alright from what I can tell. Many people really seem to like ProShot also. What is the big deal about Lumia Camera that has everyone worked up?
Sorry for being out of the loop, but can someone give me a breakdown of Lumia Camera vs. Nokia Camera (which already exists) vs. ProShot? I have used Nokia Camera and it works alright from what I can tell. Many people really seem to like ProShot also. What is the big deal about Lumia Camera that has everyone worked up?

There are plenty of threads about Lumia Camera aka Nokia Camera vs ProShot I think you ought to look for those. This thread isn't about functionality or comparisons. Why not download ProShot and compare it, that's really the only way to know about it or start another thread. The NEW Lumia Camera, improved updated Lumia Camera hasn't been released. The Lumia Camera you see in the store just represents a name change. Nokia Camera ( no longer in the store) has a new name 'Lumia Camera' it has a few bug fixes but other than that it's the same old (good) Nokia Camera app with a name change.
Sorry for being out of the loop, but can someone give me a breakdown of Lumia Camera vs. Nokia Camera (which already exists) vs. ProShot? I have used Nokia Camera and it works alright from what I can tell. Many people really seem to like ProShot also. What is the big deal about Lumia Camera that has everyone worked up?

Full of features: Lumia Denim Update - Lumia Conversations

Unlike some people here in this thread, to me, it sure seems like the Microsoft page there indicates the Lumia Camera features would be part of Denim. There is nothing on that page that suggests the camera app would be several months behind Denim, or that those features wouldn't be present on phones shipping with Denim.
Full of features: Lumia Denim Update - Lumia Conversations

Unlike some people here in this thread, to me, it sure seems like the Microsoft page there indicates the Lumia Camera features would be part of Denim. There is nothing on that page that suggests the camera app would be several months behind Denim, or that those features wouldn't be present on phones shipping with Denim.

Dude, I have a Lumia 830 WITH DENIM. Lumia Camera IS NOT THERE.

I've specifically asked the Lumia twitter account about this and they said to "Stay tuned" - as in, it's not released yet.

It is NOT part of Denim. It RELIES on Denim.


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