How many good apps are needed to fill the app gap ? What do you think?


New member
Mar 31, 2017
Exactly. I stated a similar position on page 1. A fools errand. Much ado about nothing it would seem. The devices that only run Windows 10 Mobile and earlier will die out and the apps with them. The countdown clock has begun and will expire somewhere in 2019.


New member
Jan 23, 2013
W10M should support Android apps at this point (and perhaps offer them directly through the Windows App Store). Between that and running UWP apps, all it would take is a killer flagship phone / economy phone pair to take a large bite out of the market.

Or, just buy an Android phone...

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
The gap is a red herring like so many others. It's a distraction from the reality of the situation. The reality as I see it is that Windows 10 Mobile will be replaced mobile devices that run Windows 10 on ARM using the already available Qualcomm Snapdragon 835. It won't be a mobile operating system anymore so the gap won't exist. Then the still prevalent mobile operating systems from Apple and Google can continue to convince people to stay on their toy operating systems while Microsoft offers the only full OS with any real public mindshare that runs the same apps on both the desktop and mobile devices. Device convergence has been happening for a while and the lines between phone and tablet are getting more and more blurry with time.
The problem with that is it's great for work but not for consumers. Most consumers don't need "full Windows". I only use a web browser and a music player on a PC if I'm not doing work. If I'm working, I'll use x32/x64 programs, not apps. My mobile usage does not overlap my PC usage at all, and those full Windows programs would be useless to me on a small screen. That also ties in to the consumer mindset that Windows is for work, which is true for many consumers who don't need or use PCs for anything except work.


New member
Sep 18, 2015
Actually, not that many important apps are missing for Windows 10 Mobile.. If Google didn't do such a great job with completely ignoring the existence of Microsoft mobile platform, things would probably be completely different now. Some existing apps should be reworked or made from scratch, because current versions are just ported from iOS or Android and that is not really optimal. Just compare Twitter that runs smooth and Facebook, which feels like working under some kind of emulator... But how to attract developers is obviously a mystery even for Microsoft.


New member
Mar 31, 2017
@Laura Knotek - That's actually not a problem with Windows itself but how people perceive it IMO. Just because it's full Windows doesn't mean you always have to use it like that.

Use it for play or work, if there's any overlap in the apps you use between the modes then you're able leverage anything you learn in one for the other. If there's a performance or battery issue between devices that's a separate MS / OEM issue that's not directly relevant.

However, this problem of perception and mindset is for MS Marketing to solve and good luck to them with that. They have to compete with all the other marketing messages that just muddle and confuse the issue.

Bob Jung

New member
May 3, 2016
Its very simple. none. Happy how my HP ELite x3 is opperating and doing a good job.
Gaming I do on a desktop and my Mobile is for Home domotica, banking and office 365. OOO and telephone :). Most of the stuff I do with Edge, like LinkedIn, twitter, banking. Music, navigation its all there.
But a number could be 50. Every week an other keeps you busy for a year. Maintaining apps and having them on your mobile has a limit.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
How many good apps are needed to fill the app gap ? What do you think?

For me, the answer is none. I'm very happy with the number of apps. However, what is lacking is the support for those apps and the quality of those apps. I would like to see them supported equally and provide the same features as their counterparts on a different OS.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
There are no more Windows Phones - just old ones people are still using. There will likely not be any new devices running Windows Mobile or Windows Phone. The app gap doesn't matter any more. Even if the platform had a future, its no so much how many apps are needed to fill the gap, its will the next new app that comes out launch supporting Windows? Will the next smart gadget support Windows? Evan at its peak Windows on phones was an afterthought that a generous dev might add support for later once everything else has been taken care of. The dream of 3 platforms is over.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Re: Its all about Developers! Developers! Developers😂

I just don't even understand the "app gap." I use a handful of apps, most of which are supplied by Microsoft (groove, outlook, skype, onedrive, etc) and then use the Edge for anything beyond those handful of apps. I just don't understand the mentality of loading up your phone's storage with apps that really don't give you anything you can't get with generic web access.

Web access doesn't deposit checks into my bank account. An app does that.
Web access doesn't connect to my smart scale and set it up. An app does that.
Web access doesn't connect to my home automation. An app does that.
Web access doesn't handle mobile payments
Web access doesn't edit photos and video
Web access doesn't act as a smart assistant like Cortana or Google Now
Web access doesn't connect to my Bluetooth Garmin watch and load data from it
Web access doesn't let me pay parking meters downtown
Web access doesn't take data from my Garmin watch and upload it to Strava

I could go on, but you get the point. Maybe you don't need any of those things. Lots of people don't and that's totally fine. Lots of people do and a good browser just isn't going to cut it.


New member
Mar 23, 2015
Check out this video from TechAltar from December. I think he does a better explanation of progressive web apps


stooks jones

New member
Jun 29, 2017
Does anyone seriously think this is even possible????? Windows Mobile is DEAD! Microsoft has abandoned it. This should be CRYSTAL clear.

The fact this question is even asked in September of 2017 is simply hilarious.


New member
Aug 2, 2012
How many good apps are needed to fill the app gap ? What do you think?

They need two apps:

One app to fire their Marketing Team and get a fresh one with exposure. (You have to flood the market with commercials Samsung does.)

Another app - MS Project. They bread and butter is still business. They need to support the business.


May 15, 2013
Given how Microsoft under the current SLT (excluding Phil Spencer and co) has treated their OEM partners, developers, consumers, product buyers - the people who buy devices to give out to their workforce.

By retrenching from the consumer space, Microsoft has made a Olympus Mons out of a ant hill.

Another example Skype... which has been a absolute catastrophe.

In regards to good apps... we need local apps and those app developers need a large install base to be able to justify spending resources.

So yes, as long Microsoft does not focus on consumers.. they will keep burning bridges and the app gap will continue to exist.

I am hoping the London store will mark a turning point and we will finally see a renewed focus on consumers.


New member
Aug 15, 2012
Windows on Arm and Progressing Web Apps MIGHT offer a solution if Microsoft embraces them.


New member
Oct 4, 2011
For me, it's not a number. It's the warm feeling of knowing that whatever you might need an app for, it will be there. I have that now that I'm on iPhone. I never had it on Windows Phone, and don't think anyone ever will at this point. If someday everyone moves from native apps to PWAs, I think that is Microsoft's only chance.

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