how many member of your family or friends uses windows phone

...I don't think Verizon knows it either.

This is a good point to make when talking about my family members. I'm from/my family lives in the Beaumont, Tx area. The area, especially the more rural areas around it, is densely Verizon. With only the Trophy available on Verizon, I'm not really very willing to suggest Windows Phone to these people. It just happened to be that my sister was available for an upgrade when the Trophy was just released, so I didn't feel bad, since she can get a good two years out of it. However, there is no way I'd want someone to start a two-year contract with a Trophy today. Just a thought.
there is no way I'd want someone to start a two-year contract with a Trophy today. Just a thought.

Agreed. Even though I like it, the phone has a very high "meh"ness factor. There are much better options out there and not just for windows phone. But this is verizon's fault, as for some reason they have the best coverage, but the crappiest made phones.
Agreed. Even though I like it, the phone has a very high "meh"ness factor. There are much better options out there and not just for windows phone. But this is verizon's fault, as for some reason they have the best coverage, but the crappiest made phones.

True, to us, it's pretty ho-hum. But four people I know have it and love it to death. Don't discount the UX when it comes to Windows Phone.

Granted, I'd want them on something like a Titan or Focus S, all said and done.
none yet, but most on 2 yr contracts in UK. my brother is impressed and may ditch his iphone for one when he can
Well I guess I'm different as well
I have
My Wife
My Son
My Sister
My Brother
and a Co Worker on Windows Phones
they all seem to like it but
My only problem trying to convert people is that there is no choice on
Verizon or Sprint or even Tmobile.
and I keep pushing that intergration is coming with Windows 8 and xbox so they know everything is going to look and feel the same..
Just me but my girl told me that if it weren't for the fact that her company lets her BB be used as a personal and corperate device that they pay for, she would have been on the WP7 party boat too.

I am the go to tech guy for friends and family but for some reason they never listen to me, buy what they want, then I either have to fix it or watch tthem get what I suggested in the first place. I stopped trying.

And every time my girls son's G2 rebootes or freezes he starts asking me more and more about WP7, especially the fact that he is a huge XBL kid. Son they will see the light and a life without suffering.
Me and I have switched around 7 more people to WP :D. And I keep going, all of them are really happy

Well I guess I'm different as well
I have
My Wife
My Son
My Sister
My Brother
and a Co Worker on Windows Phones
they all seem to like it but
My only problem trying to convert people is that there is no choice on
Verizon or Sprint or even Tmobile.
and I keep pushing that intergration is coming with Windows 8 and xbox so they know everything is going to look and feel the same..

Oh yea I forgot that I just bought a new Samsung Focus S so someone is going to get my Dell Venue Pro so that would be a nother person on WP7.
I saw this hot chick at work playing around on her htc radar. I dont know if it was because of her, but it was a sexy combination.
Finally-someone else with a windows phone!
When I switched to Windows Phone I picked up 4 HTC Arrive handsets for my family. We moved from Verizon to Sprint to get the phones. My brother made the same move bringing his 4 Verizon lines to Sprint for the Arrive. We also added our parents to our plans, one to each plan for the max of 5 lines per plan.

My Dad selected the Samsung Epic 4g Android phone for himself and my Mom despite my suggestion that he try the Arrive. He said something to the effect that I should look at the iPhone (not available on Sprint at the time) and Android because they were setting the pace in the smartphone market. Well, prior to the end of the 30-day trial period he was so frustrated with the Epic 4g phones, he took them back and picked up an Arrive for himself and my Mom. Last time we talked about his phones he said he was happy with his decision.

So that's 10 phones, all migrations from Blackberry, Android and feature phones. I still have yet to see a WP7 device outside of our family phones which is a bit disheartening. I have talked friends into the Windows Phone but they always end up with iPhones or Androids once the sales reps talk them out of the Windows phone at the store.

So that's 10 phones, all migrations from Blackberry, Android and feature phones. I still have yet to see a WP7 device outside of our family phones which is a bit disheartening. I have talked friends into the Windows Phone but they always end up with iPhones or Androids once the sales reps talk them out of the Windows phone at the store.


Its not so much sales reps talking them out of it, android has become the standard operating system for almost every phone thats not iPhone. Chances are your gonna find something you like..and its gonna be powered by android. I hate to say it but windows phone is radical, new, and needs alot of getting used to...and when you do its great but people can't see that right off the bat. I unknowingly got the trophy and hated it. But now I'm starting to see how good it is for all its intents and purposes.
Both my wife and I have a focus. I let her pick her own phone. She almost picked an Android but in the end she didnt like the messy wallpaper and icon look. She chose WP7 and loves it.
I almost had a co-worker convinced that WP7 was at least worthy of consideration when his 2-year contract is up. But he came to two realizations, one that Verizon has a crap selection of WP7 phones and, two, and this one took weeks for him to come up with, that he wouldn't have access to the Android apps and referenced "games."

But he's young and bought an i7 laptop for gaming (talk about thermal compromises!) so he'll probably end up with some ridiculous quad core Android phone next year.
Just me and my father, but he really doesn't count as he still uses it as a feature phone.
None. Most people I know use either Androids, Blackberries, iPhones or nonsmartphones.

I only know 1 or 2 ppl I've ever met that use Windows phones because I see them post with if on Facebook.

When I showed my HD7 to some friends they had no idea what it was.
I'm working on convincing my mother to use her upgrade to go from BB to WP since she has ATT

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Got most of my family to try it out, including 3 prior iPhone users. They all like it a lot. Some things they wish would be added ect like most people, but are very impressed with the direction MS is headed.
just me.
Almost was on my way to having my mother on the wp7 bandwagon; she was long overdue for an upgrade and she'd been using the t-mo shadow (a winmo phone - though she used it/ thought of it as a feature phone) and a flip phone for years. Well, she decided to go to the t-mobile store on a whim to upgrade, she actually asked for the HD7, but they didn't have it in stock and her husband and the salesperson were pushing the latest and greatest LG Optimus GX2 on her. And that was the end of that. Mind you, my mother had been adamant that she didn't want a smartphone, just a feature phone with a keyboard. Now she LOVES her smartphone. How hard is it going to be for me to get her to switch to WP7 once her contract is up, seeing as how she'll have invested learning time in the android os and money in the app ecosystem? The switching costs might be too great. This is what MS is up against.

I might be able to get my uncle to switch. My cousin might have been amenable a year ago but he's become a Luddite. For everyone else, they're already too loyal to their smartphone os or wp7 simply isn't powerful enough for them when it comes to productivity.

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