How many of y'all came from android


New member
Aug 7, 2011
Came to WP7 from a Motorola Droid PRO. The absolute best cellphone upgrade I've ever made (Sidekick 3 > Sidekick lx > MyTouch 3G > Palm Pixi Plus > Droid Pro). I went back to the Droid after some time to play around with Android a while after having the original MyTouch. While Android is very powerful and useful, it just wasn't my style. I've been a Zune user for quite a while now, and have always been OBSESSED with the interface. When WP7 made it's debut, I nearly lost it. Upgraded to my HTC Trophy and haven't looked back yet - WP7 truly connects my online life and my offline life to make a single unified experience with a phone - something I've never truly experienced before. I am in love. :]


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I'm ready...

My first smartphone was the T-Mobile MDA (windows mobile). I then upgraded to an iPhone 3G and then the 3GS. Then a year ago I switched to the Samsung Captivate (Android) and have been using that since. At the time it was the only good Android phone on AT&T so I got it. I've loved the Android OS, but I need to get out before I explode. These CM7 Nightlies are killing me.

I haven't switched to WP7 yet, but I've done my research... I'll miss flash quite a bit. (btw, why is there no flash? Android does it, why can't WP7 just implement it? It can't be that hard, right?) There are only a couple apps that I will really miss though. Audible and Timeriffic. I'll bet that an Audible app comes out some time soon after Mango is released, but does anyone know if there is a good replacement to Timeriffic? Maybe the OS can do what timeriffic does already, I don't know.

Anyway, I'm ready for a sweet UI, Zune pass, Xbox live integration, and a super fast user experience!... That's why I'm going to wait for the next round of refreshed hardware to surface. A Samsung Galaxy S II based WP7 on AT&T would seal the deal.

Enemy Zero

New member
Feb 18, 2011
I came from a Nexus One on T-mobile. I honestly loved what Android could do but hated the lagging and force closing that was happening. I had rooted and run Cyanogen but still would run into the lagging and force closing.

One of the ladies I work with had recently got her first smartphone (a motorola Bravo on ATT) and hated it. She kept asking me for help as I've become known as the phone and technology guy at work. I did everything I could to try to make it a more pleasurable experience but finally she told me she was taking it back. She hated using it.

Next day she showed up with a Samsung Focus asking me if I knew how to use it and if I could set it up. I told her I never had gotten a chance to play with one and I'd check it out if she could leave it with me. I spent some time with it and LOVED the interface and smoothness. I was sold immediately. I went that weekend and got my HD7 and don't really miss my android phone much. There's small things I miss but overall, I have found equal apps for most of the things I was doing and they all run with no force closes.

I still have my Galaxy tab if I want to use android but after a while, you really do get tired of hitting the same icon 15 times waiting for something, anything, to happen.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I've gone through a few smartphones..
The Motorola Q (Windows Mobile), the Palm Pre (WebOS), the HTC Droid Incredible (Android), the Motorola Droid X (Android), and then finally the HTC Trophy (WP7).

The WebOS had some great points.. I never found an Android app that integrated text and IM together like WebOS. Ultimately, however, the hardware proved to be too limiting.

I got a DInc the day it was released. Truthfully, I had many issues with the Dinc. I went through a number of replacements; I believe the final count was 4.

Finally, I switched to the Droid X. I love my X. The size was a huge selling point for me. The Dinc just felt small and cramped. (Size does matter to some girls! ;P )
I stuck with my DX for a while. With a combination of a few apps (namely Launcher7), I tried to recreate the Windows Phone UI. This satisfied me for a while.

After Trophy rumors began, sighting Verizon as its future home, I was ecstatic. I actually went to Verizon just a couple of days after the phone was finally released and was slightly disappointed. It was smaller than the DX that I had become accustom to. I waited a couple of months until I found a Trophy on Craigslist for a remarkable $140. I (happily) drove an hour to purchase the phone that night.

My boyfriend picks at me quite often because I spent so long singing Android's praises. I am actually the one that convinced him to switch to an Android device. I love Android. That little green guy is cute! I even have figurines and such.. But the WP7 UI just appeals to more of my tastes.

I'm a bit of a phone nerd and still have my MotoQ, Dinc, and DX. I actually still carry my DX with me just in case I need to switch in an emergency.

*Just as a final note, I delve into Android completely, rooting and developing.. I understand the inner-workings.


New member
Oct 31, 2006
I too have a broad experience in the smart phone world. I've had the Palm Treo 700p, still own the Centro, had a Treo 800w, have a BlackBerry Curve, still have in pristine shape my Touch Pro2, a Samsung Intercept and also an EVO 4G. My TP2 and EVO were the best of the bunch for me, with the EVO edging out them all. However, once the Gingerbread update came out, I began experiencing call drops and worsening signal (so have others in my family with EVO's). I had temporarily upgraded to the new Photon but must have had a defective unit, because my phone would drain the battery completely within two hours. As I didn't want to risk my ability to upgrade and be stuck with something buggy, I turned it back in. I went to Craigslist, and was able to find a HTC Arrive in pristine condition, so that I keep my upgrade status. Looks like I won't be using that upgrade, unless some super great WP7 phone comes out, because I am totally loving the Arrive. I'm still on NoDo and getting the itch to upgrade to Mango, but Microsoft has done a really sweet job with WP7. Buttery smooth is something I read a lot about it, and I wholeheartedly agree. Oh, and I also have a gen 3 iPod Touch, and the original iPad, and while the iOS does run well, it is cumbersome to organize a lot of apps, and quite frankly while functional, it is boring to me. WP7 all the way!


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I am still in Android I have a Nexus S and I like it a lot, I am also a Xbox and Zune user, I started a new job and they won't let me keep a phone on sprint, and I didn't want to give it up (I have 1 years seniority with them and that helps with any carrier), so I decided my employer will fund a Samsung focus on AT&T, just picked it up. I will probably do a side by side comparison soon. what is the best barcode/QR reader app and Google voice app for Windows phone 7?


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Should I? I want my next upgrade in one year to be the latest version of Windows phone... I've always wanted an iPhone, guess I'll just save for an i Pod touch..

a lot of people have weighed in on this and will continue to, so i'll add my 2 cents to the mix. I don't have an iPhone but I do have an iPod touch that I "had" to have and I hardly ever, if ever use it. Chalk it up to consumerist mentality...

While it has a beautiful form factor and is the leader for a reason, I think the majority of it has to do with ecosystem, marketing and status.

iPhone (and most things "i") has become synonymous with quality+smartphone. think about it this way, most of us when we have to blow our nose ask for a "Kleenex". the correct term would be "tissue", but it has become pervasive to ask for "kleenex" whether or not the tissue is that brand or not. Same with Coke and many other items.

Because of this when anyone thinks smartphone, they think iPhone. It's become the associative word and a status symbol. People either buy it or aspire to it.

The genius of Apple/Jobs is their emphasis on a premium form factor and evolution of their ecosystem as well as exceptional marketing.

Android has achieved this to some degree by sheer volume and multiple price points for devices. (i.e. not everyone can "afford" an iPhone). It also helps that they promoted customization which appeals to a different /younger demo.

I've heard from many people (less from Android users), that although they think Windows Phones are gorgeous they've invested too much $ in the "i" ecosystem to leave.

Any of us can talk/persuade until we're blue in the face, but you won't satisfy your curiosity until you've either tried/owned an iDevice and a fellow owner/aspirant says "cool!"


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I went from Android to iOS. Great decision for me. I know the word "fragmented" has been abused by the naysayers, but my experience was an absolute fragmented mess with both of my Android devices. It was nice to have an OS that just works


New member
Jun 5, 2011
I have owned about 6 different Android phones in the last 16 months (plus an iPhone 4 and BB Bold 9930) and I really decided to get the HTC Trophy more to see what it was all about. Since dropping Android I can say if MS continues to improve the OS and releases Mango quickly (as in don't make us wait 6 months like Android OEM's do) I really can see me sticking with WP OS. Its quick, fast, easy to use, and solid hardware.

I like having the ability to customize the storage space for apps,pictures, media d/l's etc and (if you crack open your phone put in a bigger memory card). I am really surprised and glad I switched.

Yes I use a MacBook Pro but I run Win7 on it and really like that as well. Again solid hardware running a solid OS best of both worlds.


New member
Aug 13, 2011
I bet we get really obnoxious if someone says something negative about WP7... ;) But WP7 is awesome, so at least we have something to get obnoxious about.

I wouldn't say anything bad about androcrap, I mean android. I would just say the truth and that about android speaks for itself


New member
Aug 13, 2011
I went from Android to iOS. Great decision for me. I know the word "fragmented" has been abused by the naysayers, but my experience was an absolute fragmented mess with both of my Android devices. It was nice to have an OS that just works

Just works..I like that...+1


New member
Sep 30, 2010
I am still in Android I have a Nexus S and I like it a lot, I am also a Xbox and Zune user, I started a new job and they won't let me keep a phone on sprint, and I didn't want to give it up (I have 1 years seniority with them and that helps with any carrier), so I decided my employer will fund a Samsung focus on AT&T, just picked it up. I will probably do a side by side comparison soon. what is the best barcode/QR reader app and Google voice app for Windows phone 7?
as far as the QR/bar code scanner ... either put the mango beta on your phone or wait until mango is pushed by ATT ... the best barcode reader implementation i've ever seen. pre-MANGO bar code apps are prehistoric and can't utilize the camera's API

one of the best parts of how mango handles the code reading is ... it's built in, no app required ... integrated with BING.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Just works..I like that...+1

Me too which is why I'm eyeing the Focus. I had a Zune until earlier this year (my 120 GB just kept messing up) so I stopped using it and also dropped my Android phone for an iPhone (pre-paid). I will say I miss the 14.99 package and with WP7 being way more stable than the Zune devices, I'm ready to try this out


New member
Aug 13, 2011
Me too which is why I'm eyeing the Focus. I had a Zune until earlier this year (my 120 GB just kept messing up) so I stopped using it and also dropped my Android phone for an iPhone (pre-paid). I will say I miss the 14.99 package and with WP7 being way more stable than the Zune devices, I'm ready to try this out

i have played around with the focus in an att store...very nice phone. If I had att I would buy it in a second


New member
Sep 1, 2011
My first post here. Been lurking in the shadows for the last month or so and finally decided to say hello.

Anywho, I just switched from a HTC Thunderbolt with Verizon to my Trophy. I have not had an issue with it at all. Love the fact that my battery lasts for longer than 4 hours a day and also that I don't have to reset my phone on an hourly basis because of lockups or having to Force Close something.

I haven't even updated to Mango yet and I'm a big believer of the OS.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I am still in Android I have a Nexus S and I like it a lot, I am also a Xbox and Zune user, I started a new job and they won't let me keep a phone on sprint, and I didn't want to give it up (I have 1 years seniority with them and that helps with any carrier), so I decided my employer will fund a Samsung focus on AT&T, just picked it up. I will probably do a side by side comparison soon. what is the best barcode/QR reader app and Google voice app for Windows phone 7?

I've been using AT&Ts QR reader and I haven't had any problems with it but that's the only one I tried.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Unlike many others, I was actually happy with Windows Mobile.

Same here. Windows Mobile was not flashy at all, but it was a solid communications device. There were many features there that took years to migrate to other OSes. It just wasn't that good for web browsing and media was a bit lame. I really liked all of the customization options with Windows Mobile.

I would like to see more options with Windows Phone, but overall it is probably the best OS for the masses, especially for the growing demographics that are not males in the mid-20s to mid-30s.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
My first post here. Been lurking in the shadows for the last month or so and finally decided to say hello.

Anywho, I just switched from a HTC Thunderbolt with Verizon to my Trophy. I have not had an issue with it at all. Love the fact that my battery lasts for longer than 4 hours a day and also that I don't have to reset my phone on an hourly basis because of lockups or having to Force Close something.

I haven't even updated to Mango yet and I'm a big believer of the OS.

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