How many of y'all came from android

Still on android. So far no crashes, no lockups, no errors of any kind. I've been downloading apps like crazy, tweaking this, that and the other thing and it's pretty pretty stable.
I do really dig the WP7 UI though.

I still have a couple more weeks to evaluate the phone and can always return it and get a windows phone. Still deciding.
I've left both Android and iOS behind in my switch to WP7. I, too, found Android to be too buggy for me and experienced too many apps force closing. While I do like the concept of Android, I think that its openness is the root of its issues but maybe Google's purchase of Motorola will help to stem that problem once they become a hardware manufacturer themselves. I think Microsoft was extremely smart in telling manufacturers that their phones needed to meet certain specs to ensure that all phones have respectable performance unlike some of the low end Android handsets. The only things that I miss from Android are Google Maps and an app that I use to check my schedule for work.
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I used Android for about a month then switched back to Blackberry before stopping at WP7. Android was just sloppy.
I was set on getting an Android phone after my Windows Mobile phone.

Unlike many others, I was actually happy with Windows Mobile. I didn't like how slow my Fuze was, but I did like the workflow. I liked the accuracy of a stylus. And I was addicted to Solitaire. I was insanely fast at it. And I would keep trying to beat my best time. lol. I also liked how I could draw pictures with the stylus.

My sister let me borrow her iPhone 3GS for a month, and I did love the screen and the apps that were available. Heck, I finished Angry Birds (it was only 90 levels at the time) in 3 days. I didn't like any of the Solitaire apps available though. They all seemed so slow. I think having a stylus was an advantage in that sense.

So, anyway... after about 2 weeks of trying the 3GS, I went back to the Fuze and let my wife play with the iPhone for the last 2 weeks. I just liked my Fuze a tiny bit better.

But I started researching Android like crazy. It seemed like the closest thing to Windows Mobile... but updated with more modern features like the iPhone had. I was sooo close to getting one. Just was waiting for my contract to be over.

And then MS announced Windows Phone. And well... it was done. I was sold instantly.
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I kinda came too from Android as it was the smartphone I (occasionally) used before getting a WP7 one: I've used dumbphones for the past couple years, before I decided to get a smartphone. iPhone was out of the questions as it was (by far) the most expensive option (plus I don't like apple's product philosophy). Blackberry was too much (imo) targeted to business users. I was really close getting an Android device, but after playing around with it for several weeks on my father's Galaxy S I didn't really like it (he had to send it to repair two times, both times software problems; the user experience, wasn't really fluid) the UI felt slowish, despite 1 Ghz processor. I was able to get a new Optimus 7 for a really good price and the fluidity of the OS finally convinced me to get this one. So far I love it. I don't really feel like I miss anything (I'm on NoDo) and the live tiles in combination with the metro UI are awesome. I don't consider myself a poweruser and my most used app is the Internet Explorer ;)
Should I? I want my next upgrade in one year to be the latest version of Windows phone... I've always wanted an iPhone, guess I'll just save for an i Pod touch..
Well the iPhone does have a great User Interface and its more fluid than water, and I understand why people want it (except the people who just buy it because Apple produces it).

I still prefer Windows Phone, and even the very slow Symbian.
Im on my way from Android at the moment.... I cant wait to get my WP!!!
WP's are just so smooth and fluid compared to the chunkyness of Android
Why would you want an iPhone?

Despite the fact that so many people want to rag on the iPhone, it's actually a pretty good phone and iOS 5 will make it even better. The UI is simple to learn and extremely consistent, making the iPhone great for people choosing their first smartphone. If you need apps, no other platform comes close. It all depends on what you're looking for in a phone.

Even though WP7 in its current NoDo state is lacking quite a bit of functionality (which is to be expected due to the short amount of time it's been released), I do prefer it hands down over both iOS and Android. Now that I'm running the Mango beta on my phone, I really can't see myself going back to either platform unless there are radical changes made.
Despite the fact that so many people want to rag on the iPhone, it's actually a pretty good phone and iOS 5 will make it even better. The UI is simple to learn and extremely consistent, making the iPhone great for people choosing their first smartphone. If you need apps, no other platform comes close. It all depends on what you're looking for in a phone.

Even though WP7 in its current NoDo state is lacking quite a bit of functionality (which is to be expected due to the short amount of time it's been released), I do prefer it hands down over both iOS and Android. Now that I'm running the Mango beta on my phone, I really can't see myself going back to either platform unless there are radical changes made.

I realize it's a good phone, I just honestly think using a WP7 phone is a better experience. And the fact that it syncs with the Zune software seals the deal for me.
I was a Palm user for quite a while. My last Palm phone was an unlocked GSM Treo Pro. I then went to a Nokia N8 and used my Treo Pro as my work phone. I was waiting for the Pre3 to use a replacement for Treo Pro as a work phone, but we all know that has fizzled out. So I got an unlocked GSM HTC Trophy to use as my work phone.

My Treo Pro had windows mobile 6.1 and it worked well. The battery life wasn't great, but it was OK.

My Nokia N8 has the Symbian^3 operating system. It works. It's a little bit buggy. The 12MP camera on the N8 is outstanding.

So far my HTC Trophy is running well with Win7. I wish it had more setting that you could control, but I am happy with it.
^ Hopefully the Mango update will work better for you, thanks to the increased Office connectivity.

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