How many of you use OneNote on Windows Phone?

Since I'm "all in," so to speak with Windows 8/8.1, I find OneNote invaluable on my phone. With my new 1520 replacing my 920 and Surface, the WP version is becoming a bit more than just a companion app to compliment what I had on my laptop and tablet.

I use it a lot more for starting ideas than I used to. I think the web version has become the companion tool.

I track ideas and ideas for both work and personal spheres. We use the family room for shopping lists and reminders to each other. Virtually all my notes go in here.
Re: How many of you One Note on Windows Phone?

I use it because of the SkyDrive sync

Same here...
If I couldn't create/edit/view on my phone/laptop/browser, then I wouldn't use it at all.
The cross-platform integration is great, though.
The one issue I have is that it only allows Skydrive sync. That's fine for my personal stuff, but I use OneNote for work extensively but cannot store work files on Skydrive for legal reasons (because my work contains the personal information of employees, the prevailing privacy legislation prevents me from using a service that stores information outside Canada). Not an issue for my Surface Pro 2, my desktop at home (Windows 8.1), my laptop (Windows 8.1) or my work laptop (Windows 7) as they can all connect to our in-house network drives to store work notebooks. Major issue for using OneNote on WP8 and I wish there was a decent workaround. It's the only missing piece!

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