How many of you use OneNote on Windows Phone?

Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

I use it too! After a few moments of confusion on trying to grasp the concept of OneNote (Notebooks, Sections, Pages, etc...), I'm hooked!
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

I use one note constantly. Its amazing because it is everywhere that I am (phone, surface, web, etc). I have went completely paperless at work thanks to one note.
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

use one note almost, travel, shopping list. the ability to sync with my pc is great.
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

I use it HEAVILY! There hasn't been a day in last year and a half when I've not used OneNote. It is the best "integrated" part of WP - works exactly how I dreamt of Skype, Facebook Chat, Xbox Games and Xbox Music to work. One day.. one day my friend!
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

I use it, but the lack of password support limits the applications. Hopefully MS will include password support in an update. Also a bit annoying that format support broke between 2007 and 2010. We are still on 07 at work.
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

I use it to see family schema , its installed on my wives iPhone and our PC with win8, as soon as any planning is made etc everyone else in the family with know
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

I use it extensively every day. From shopping lists to recipes to travel to medical to family to random notes or ideas. My Personal notebook is quite large and syncs perfectly between PC, SkyDrive, and my "old" Win Phone 7.5. I love it!
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

I propose that commenters give some practical examples other than "I use it everyday because it's better than a Miley Cyrus twerking video" as to how 'handy' and 'great' OneNote is. Let me explain...

I *don't* use OneNote extensively because I haven't figured out how to use it effectively. I've read a lot of comments where people use it for shopping lists, recipes, vacation planning, starting a crystal meth company...okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea.

So I tried it. After finally figuring out that you can't make a new Notebook without going to OneNote online, I successfully created a Notebook. So I figured, lets make a grocery list. That should be easy enough. However, even once you create the Notebook, you still have to go to the mobile site to create this (I don't know what you'd call it) "sub notebook". Now I have to get back to the online OneNote site and create this sub-notebook. I created one called "Groceries". Now we should be getting somewhere. I go into the OneNote app, select my Notebook, select the "Groceries" sub-notebook, and now finally I have a + sign to add something. I click the + sign and I'm taken to a "page" where I have to give it a title. So already, I've had to create a notebook, a sub-notebook, and then a page...where I can finally put my grocery list on there. Now I've discovered that I'll have a "Groceries" page within my "Groceries" sub-notebook. No biggie I guess.

Now lets make a list. I use the handy check mark list to add some things. As a trial, I decide to use my list to see just how handy it is. I have a convenient list of groceries with check mark boxes to the left. I figure, I've got my milk, let's mark it off. Well, you have to directly touch the box to mark it or else it prompts you to edit the label. Hardly convenient (to me anyway) if I have to pay exact attention to where I'm touching while I'm shopping.

So as a recap, I have a list, within a page, within a sub-notebook, within a notebook...all for a grocery list. I know I can pin this list to my home screen for convenience, but if I didn't know that, I'd have to select the sub-notebook, then the page every time I wanted my grocery list.

As a comparison, I used TinyDo for the same task in a fraction of the time. I launch TinyDo. Pull down the screen and I'm prompted to add something. With TinyDo you can create direct folders for items, so I typed "Groceries". Next, I pull down the screen and type "Milk". I drag "Milk" onto "Groceries". Now "Groceries" becomes a folder. I tap the number to the side and now I see "Milk". From here, I pull down the screen and just keep adding items. I've pinned TinyDo to my screen, so I tap it and my list of items and folders are there. I select Groceries and view my list. Once I get an item, I slide to the right and it's crossed off. After I'm done, I shake my device and all crossed off items are removed. If I want to keep the crossed off item, I don't shake. In fact, I just slide to the right again and it's not crossed off anymore.

Now, I can't save pictures in TinyDo, but for groceries, packing lists, movies I want to watch, Home To-Do lists, etc...OneNote is too cumbersome. I much prefer TinyDo or the like where I can get to it easily and can cross things off quickly. I suppose I could see where if I wanted to save long snippets of information like book ideas, lyrics, recipes, etc, that OneNote could be handy...but most of the comments here have suggested that OneNote is great for "lists" and I really disagree with that. Once you get passed the Inception-like dream level sequence of a list within a page within a sub-notebook within a Notebook...maybe it would be helpful.

So...all that being said, is OneNote REALLY that handy? Or am I missing something? Practical examples please.
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

To follow up on my previous post, I think it should have some sort of integration with IE. A "send to OneNote" option would make me use it a bit more. That or seeing OneNote in the Sharing menu.
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

To follow up on my previous post, I think it should have some sort of integration with IE. A "send to OneNote" option would make me use it a bit more. That or seeing OneNote in the Sharing menu.

Yes! This! Why, if OneNote is a big part of the Windows ecosystem, would they not integrate this within the rest of the phone??? And actually, I would probably use OneNote more if this were an option.

Instead, because I can't do that with OneNote, I have Pocket (Formerly Read It Later). I went to my web account of Pocket, added my email address in the options page, created a "Pocket" contact with as the email address. Now, when I want to save something from IE, I click share and select my Gmail account, add Pocket as the contact and it will send my info to Pocket. You can use the Pouch app in the store to see your Pocket items. Pouch isn't the only app for this, but I prefer this one for the UI and features.
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

I propose that commenters give some practical examples other than "I use it everyday because it's better than a Miley Cyrus twerking video" as to how 'handy' and 'great' OneNote is.

I would never say that. Miley Cyrus offends me. Now, a JessieFromTheCurrentSeasonOfMasterChef twerking video, or a Kaley Cuoco twerking video, you've got my attention... :D

So...all that being said, is OneNote REALLY that handy? Or am I missing something? Practical examples please.

So... OneNote on Windows Phone (or iOS or Android, for that matter) is a companion app. A subset, if you will. It doesn't have the full feature set because, well, it's running on a phone (just as the rest of Office on WP doesn't have the full feature set). I think that when most people here refer to how awesome OneNote is, they're referring to the OneNote "system", as opposed to just the mobile app. I know I am.

To make it work awesomely, you pretty much have to have it on your desktop/laptop/tablet/everything else as well. That way, you've got full functionality *somewhere* to make OneNote do all the things it should. Whether that's the Windows 8 Modern OneNote app (which is free on Windows 8/RT), the OneNote desktop app (which comes with certain versions of Office including Office RT), or the OneNote web app doesn't matter.

You're right in that you can't setup notebooks or sections from the mobile app; you have to do that from the full-featured app mentioned above. Once you do that, though, those notebooks and sections are synced to each of your devices through SkyDrive, so you only need to set them up once. It should be noted that OneNote starts with one notebook and one section by default, so you can start using it immediately.

Personally, I run the desktop application on my work machine (a Windows 8 system running on an iMac through Boot Camp which is desktop oriented), the Modern app on my Surface RT and my laptop (a Windows 8 system) and, of course, the OneNote mobile app on my L920 (but I did run it on my Nexus 7 and my iPhone 4s when I had those as well). I only have one notebook (because I don't see the point of having multiple actual notebooks) with multiple sections I setup (one for work, one for miscellaneous notes, and <geek mode on>one for each of the table-top role playing game scenarios I run<geek mode off>).

So when I take my RT into work meetings with me, I open OneNote, hit the work section of my notebook, and start taking notes. When I'm on my phone and I need to jot something down, I hit the miscellaneous notes section and jot it down. When I'm <geek mode on>running one of my table-top RPGs<geek mode off> I hop to those sections to reference the notes I've already entered and make new ones. Once you get those notebooks and sections setup and synced to all your devices, THAT's when OneNote becomes awesome.

I don't know if I answered your question or not, but there it is. :)
Re: How many of you OneNote on Windows Phone?

One Note: how I use it.
I've had it on my desktop just about forever, so I'm starting there.
I have 3 main notebooks

Under Work I have several "sections" or tabs, one for each project I am working on and a "daily notes" for general work notes
Under each Section I have pages for that project for example: Company A - Virtual Server upgrade
I'll have a page for Networking Notes, Server notes, application notes, Kick off meeting notes, issues, follow ups, etc
Daily Notes: I have a date, followed by any time notes for a case or notes I couldn't put into our ticket management system right away. I use highlighting and strike through to keep track of anything I need to enter into our systems, This is super handy, because I can add notes on my phone while at a clients, and read them from the PC to imput into autotask later.

When a project is complete, I move that section to archive.

Personal, same as above but for personal stuff, gaming, cars, etc.

Then I have the phones quick notes which I do stuff like grocery lists, stuff to pack, etc.

it is always on my phone, online or on my laptop, I've had to reference IP's or times for tickets on my phone and I've gotten online to look up personal notes from my in-laws laptop just by logging into skydrive.

Like I said in my previous post, it is not a "To Do" list, it is a note taking application for taking notes, and nothing beats it for that purpose. Most of my "To Do's" go into my calendar as calendar items anyway, so the few that aren't traditional calendar items, just become that and then I get a reminder, IE: pack extra laptop bag for co-worker so you don't forget it" just gets a 7 PM reminder for when I am home in my calendar.
I have no problem using it, in fact I hadn't noticed what you say about creating notebooks. I actually manually exported my notes from my N8's note app, and created categories for them. Now everything I enter fits in either category. I use it daily, it's very handy.
I only use Office Mobile for revision and quick edits. OneNote I use everyday to record voice lectures if lectures are not recorded because my Lumia 920 has superb microphone, the same microphone which HTC 'accidentally' stole and used on their HTC One.

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