How often are you rebooting your 950XL? Daily? Weekly?


New member
Sep 6, 2012
So this seems to be a regular thing for me a week after purchase. Most apps and features do work for the most part as intended.. minus the occasional daily bugs. However, I'm now getting a little tired of the daily reboots in order to fix things that suddenly stop working.


- WiFi disconnects randomly from my 5Ghz band. Once disconnected the phone can no longer recognize any 5Ghz bands. Reboots fixes this. Sometimes temporarily, while sometimes it sticks longer. No issues on 2.4Ghz. This is the most common reason for me.

- Random black screens when launching important apps like People hub, Outlook, Messaging. Only a reboot will fix this.

- Random black screen on unlocking the device. No buttons work and device is frozen. Forced to do reboot using volume down and power buttons.

- Occasional lock ups using apps. Reboot fixes these.

Now, if I had to reboot my device a couple times a week that wouldn't be a big deal. But I'm rebooting my device voluntarily and involuntarily 5 - 10 times a day. On top of that, each time I reboot my device certain settings don't usually stick like screen brightness, my wireless charger settings under Gadgets (DT-903) and my bluetooth needs to disconnected from my audio receiver. Extremely annoying.

What's also annoying is when my device is actually running properly for an extended period of time (like WiFi actually staying connected) and then I'm forced to do a reset due to something else not working. Then I'm back to playing cat and mouse with my WiFi.

I'd like to think that in 3 months from now I won't still be doing rebooting my device this often.

How's things for you guys?
I haven't noticed a need to reboot more than a couple times and I don't remember why I had to do it. On 8.1 with my 830 I had to reboot at least every 2 days because I listen to a lot of podcasts and I would loose control of the volume and need a reboot to get it back...
FWIW, I did a reset and started from scratch - no backup restore. Various things were flaky initially when I did the initial setup and restored a backup.
Interesting that some people have never experienced a reboot, or were forced to do one. I'm a heavy user so perhaps I use my phone differently than the average person. But all of my bugs are OS related currently and things I assume are associated with a beta or unpolished OS.

I too had initially done a restore from my 1520. It was very clear that it didn't like that I did my hard reset on the second day. It's run much smoother since the fresh start but it's far from working perfect like some say theirs is.
Sorry, my post deleted when I tried to edit.
I have not had to do any restarts after the initial setup.
No random reboots.
No static from the speaker.
No Creaking from the build.
I find I rarely have any of the issues or bugs many users report with their new devices.
My problems tend to center on getting used to how the new device works, what changes were made to the UI, or OS that affect my daily use.
As my needs are constantly changing or being redefined, my opinion/ perception also frequently change.

Edit: More info.
I am only using a 32 G memory card.
I did not restore from my last 1520 backup, I started fresh.
I already had an LTE device on my SIM card.

Going to do a factory reset, and restore from my new backup, just to clean up, before I fully settle in.
I had multiple complete crashes a day requiring power button pressing to get it to work. I did a reset and did not use backup and I'm now down to 3 times in about 40 hours. Just tried the recovery tool and it says no package available. I've had no usability issues other than crashes. Although I haven't tried 5 band.
OP, with that many crashes i would swap out the phone.

I have had 1 message app crash causing the system to reboot and no other major issues minus the News live tile not updating correctly.

- Using a 32gb Samsung sd card
- Factory reset start, without it i was having a lot of battery and issues with apps opening and closing correctly. Freeze froze 2 times a day prior to factory reset. Now only the 1 in 4 days.
- Cricket SIM was new so had to manually input MMS APN settings
OP, with that many crashes i would swap out the phone.

I have had 1 message app crash causing the system to reboot and no other major issues minus the News live tile not updating correctly.

- Using a 32gb Samsung sd card
- Factory reset start, without it i was having a lot of battery and issues with apps opening and closing correctly. Freeze froze 2 times a day prior to factory reset. Now only the 1 in 4 days.
- Cricket SIM was new so had to manually input MMS APN settings

On cricket, do you get visual voicemail with the 950xl?
Mine rebooted once and I don't recall what I was doing with it. I've had it for almost three days now.

Edit: I just remembered. I didn't restore from a backup so I was going through my library clicking on the apps I wanted to download. I assumed I just overdid it cause I had over 50 apps downloading and the library list was huge so I just chalked it up to that.
I think the VVM is taken out of the OS on the XL. Otherwise, I thought it would have worked on cricket since all their phones are unlocked. Thanks, I considered switching to cricket for this feature alone.
I had wifi issues since WP 8.1, all of a sudden the wifi showed no internet connection when connected.
WP 10 actually is better, I do not need to switch on/off airplane mode to trigger the connection to be working......
I had a couple random reboots the first couple days, but ever since I did a hard reset, I haven't experienced any more. (3-4 days now?)
Aside from random reboots, is anyone actually doing forced reboots? Whether its for apps locking up, not responding, system hanging, wifi disconnecting etc.
Aside from random reboots, is anyone actually doing forced reboots? Whether its for apps locking up, not responding, system hanging, wifi disconnecting etc.

I haven't had to do any forced reboots. No apps have frozen, loss of wifi, etc.
I generally reboot 1x daily at this point and generally only out of an abundance of caution. I do see Windows Hello stop working altogether from time to time; it seems related to pressing the camera button from a locked screen--only a reboot brings it back. Otherwise, I haven't experienced any random reboots, but I did perform a factory reset on day 2 (and did not restore from backup) after experiencing too many quirks out-of-the-box.
Followup, I did have to do a reboot today. Was playing a podcast over bluetooth to the car and the sound just stopped, counter kept moving but no sound transfer. Rebooted and it came back of course.
I also spoke too soon.
Had a random reboot today.
I was reading my shopping list in MS Note, when I got an SMS. I started to reply and suddenly my the phone rebooted.
It only took a few seconds, but still upset me.
There was no message or other indication, so it is possible I may have missed other random reboots.
are you just rebooting (i.e. turn off and on the phone) or you are doing a soft reset?

To be clear a soft reset can also be performed by turning off the phone and removing the battery for like 1 minute before turning it on again.
After the initial tinkering and setup (with many reboots to apply settings and so on), I don't reboot anymore now.
No turn off/turn on, and No soft-reset since days.
Everything is just fine.

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