How often do you change the theme on your device? (color)


New member
Sep 15, 2011
I've been struggling with this in my head ever since I got this phone. The only theme color I can use is green. If I change it to anything else I simple don't like it. Green is my favorite color, but it really shouldn't be so hard to switch things up. I do similar things with my wallpaper. I'll keep the same background until I find the perfect next one.

I guess what wanna figure out is, how often do you change your theme?

Side note - Do you guys think alot about what theme and wallpaper is on your phone, how often do you change it, and what's your wallpaper.

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Have it set on a custom blue that is much less offensive on the eyes :]

I change the shade of it slightly about every week, to match a new wallpaper.
I change it with the season. Right now mine is brown. This winter..I haven't decided yet. Once spring rolls around, I'll change it to green. Maybe Verizon Red next summer. That gives me a few months to get bored with it.
Oh dear Mr boring here, mine has been on blue since i got my phone. Don't like any other colour*

*Correct spelling. ;)

And while we're on the subject of spelling, it's Harbour and Neighbour! OK ? LOL ;)
I'm currently using Lime. I've used a few accents but when I change them is pretty random. I mainly seem to have done it after I've installed a new update or wiped my phone (Which was only once and I have no idea why I did it).

Teal is also one of my favourites, I much prefer the 'lighter' colours rather than the harsh Red, Blue and Green.

I still think Microsoft should give us a colour picker and let us choose whatever we want.
When I was able to add a custom color, dark red was gorgeous. Now I stick with red most of the time, but will change for special occasions.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
I change it fairly often, but only between a handful of colours. Currently I have HTC green (it's a nicer shade than the stock green), but usually use either red, blue or occasionally mango or teal.

Purple looks awful, magenta looks awful, pink looks awful (and not in a taste way - in a "this hurts my eyes!" way). Lime is the same colour as xbox live so I'm not keen on that as you "lose" the xbox tile. And brown is brown - and unless you're trying to pass your handset off as a bar of chocolate, who wants a brown phone?

I really wonder how much thought was put into what colours were chosen. A nice dark blue and red and a grey would have been much better choices.
Oh dear Mr boring here, mine has been on blue since i got my phone. Don't like any other colour*

*Correct spelling. ;)

And while we're on the subject of spelling, it's Harbour and Neighbour! OK ? LOL ;)

And why is it spelled phone and not fone? :D
And sometimes twice a week, I change mine.
And why is it spelled phone and not fone? :D
Same reason you say Aluminum and we say Aluminium I guess joemd60 :)

Yes I agree, it should be fone. English has a lot to answer for!

There, They're, Their etc etc what's that all about ? LOL
Using Teal from the beginning. Blue is nice too, but it felt too "sharp" for my eyes.
This shade between blue and green is just nice.

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