How to Find Status of a "Disappeared app"?

Mark F24

New member
Oct 12, 2014
I have a paid app called "folders pro" that simply disappeared when I tried installing after an upgrade. I tried to email them but have no response, anyone know? The free app is still available.

I use some other apps that say after searching for them that something happened on our end for a week, now nothing.

I am wondering if there is a way to find out....other than trying to search in the Store...
This probably isn't what you're asking, but a cool way to find out all the Apps that are installed on your PC. Don't know about phones!:wink: I have 171. To dang many!
All of the applications installed on your PC?including the universal apps that come with Windows 10 or are downloaded from Windows Store?are accessible from a hidden shell view called Applications. And once you open this view in File Explorer, you can create shortcuts for any of them.

So open the Run dialog (WINKEY + R), type shell:AppsFolder and then click OK to view this folder.
I'll try it on my PC, thanks for the tip.

As for my question, I guess I am not surprised that I didn't get a reply, it seems to be that way with all my petitions for info LOL!!
Three of the apps that said "Try that again, something happened on our end" have now reappeared. I am happy :)

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