How to handle storage on 930


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Feb 17, 2014
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Hi all,

Bit of a sad day, I have a fault on my Lumia 1520 and after speaking to my phone provider found out they can't source another 1520 as they said they have been discontinued so I've spent the last few days pondering what to do. I considered the iPhone 6 plus or the Sammy Note 4 but couldn't really face moving from WP.

I have gone for the 930 but what worries me is the limited storage space, I have a 128Gb card in my 1520 (will now be redundant) and that swallowed all my apps and pictures files and music, the question is how do you cope with just 32GB of space? Do you just rely heavily on Onedrive?

I guess I will have to get into the habit of deleting pictures once they have been uploaded etc. Anyhoo's your thoughts will be appreciated.


Michael Brooks5

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Apr 3, 2014
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That's a lot of space you're using. :) Most of my space has been taken up by my offline music, but from time to time I delete photos and videos from my phone and leave them on Onedrive. I have my ?8 a month subscription to Office 365 so don't need to worry about space which is cool and if you don't have that already, you should definitely sub just for the extra space alone.


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Jun 20, 2012
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Sorry about your 1520, are you sure it can't be repaired? I know that some people are reluctant to go beyond their carrier if they paid for additional protection but have you thought about sending it off to a Nokia Repair Center anyway? My 930 was dropped (not by me), not long after I got it. I was gutted and there was no insurance but the Nokia support was very good, prompt and I got it back within 7 days end-to-end. Yes, I had to pay but it was worth it to me. If your 1520 is worth it and you cannot live without the massive drop in storage, I'd consider letting them take a look. If you decide you don't want to pay for repairs, you can always have it back. Send a tweet to @nokiahelps (Nokia Care), I'm sure they'll be able to help.

As for your dilemma, you've got no options in terms of apps installation but it might be worth getting more than one cloud provider to give you the cover you need for everything else. I always remove my photos from my phone after a set period of time so that I have OneDrive on the go and a local backup. I use Dropbox for certain things and OneDrive for others. But I always maintain a local backup for everything. If XBM could connect directly to OneDrive for my music, that would make me very happy. Ah well, I can wish.


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Feb 17, 2014
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Thanks for the replies I will try getting hold of Nokia Care, it's my business phone so the cost shouldn't be to much of a problem. My only worry is that once it's repaired they are not always the same. I thought the 930 is a smaller version of the 1520 but evidently it isn't. By the way my 128GB card is only 1/4 full so I'm not maxing out the space, I was mainly curious to know if 32GB is good enough for day to day use. I mainly use my 1520 for emails, RDC, Web, office and music. Now I have set up Plex movies aren't too much of a problem.

I'll look to upgrade to Office365 and thanks envoi for your tips :)



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Jun 20, 2012
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Well, here's my usage. I've about 5.43GB free on my 930. I've got 220 apps and games installed (9.5GB) including some big hitters like Halo SA, Age of Empires and the entire Angry Birds catalogue (I know, a guilty pleasure). I've got 8.5GB of music and 1.5GB of maps data. I think for me, it helps to keep my email and photos in check and then there's plenty of room and I could easily get rid of my local music but it's just more convenient to have a big slice of it on the phone (I could have added a lot more).


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Feb 17, 2014
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In a conversation with Nokiahelp in twitter at the moment but I am guessing from the questions they haven't seen this problem before, or it may just be the tech that's replying to me that hasn't seen it before. 20141028_151003.jpg

Now I'm in two minds whether to get it repaired or take the new 930 on offer.


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