Oki so here how it goes I have 3 devices
Lumia 822 Updated to OS 8.1
Office Laptop with OS Windows 7 Pro
Home Laptop with OS Windos 8 Pro
I have created a login account on Home-laptop with Windows Live Id and choose to Sync all of the settings and mapped the IE favorites folder to one of folders in Skydrive
Also in my Office-laptop I have mapped my IE favorites folder to same SkyDrive folder mentioned above.
This way I get my favorites Synced across Windows 7 & Windows 8 laptops.
I logged in to my Home-Laptop and checked it had all the favorites which I had added through office laptop and viceversa.
Also in my phone optios under Settings->Sync my setting->Internet Explore is "Turned ON"
The problem is when I go to my Windows8.1 Phone IE favorites it says "No favourites yet" I thought I would get all the favorites folder & links which I was seeing on my Home laptop but No, am I missing some thing here?
How do I force the favorites to sync on my phone?
Lumia 822 Updated to OS 8.1
Office Laptop with OS Windows 7 Pro
Home Laptop with OS Windos 8 Pro
I have created a login account on Home-laptop with Windows Live Id and choose to Sync all of the settings and mapped the IE favorites folder to one of folders in Skydrive
Also in my Office-laptop I have mapped my IE favorites folder to same SkyDrive folder mentioned above.
This way I get my favorites Synced across Windows 7 & Windows 8 laptops.
I logged in to my Home-Laptop and checked it had all the favorites which I had added through office laptop and viceversa.
Also in my phone optios under Settings->Sync my setting->Internet Explore is "Turned ON"
The problem is when I go to my Windows8.1 Phone IE favorites it says "No favourites yet" I thought I would get all the favorites folder & links which I was seeing on my Home laptop but No, am I missing some thing here?
How do I force the favorites to sync on my phone?