How would you change WP7 advertising?


New member
Feb 12, 2011
If they would just show real people in real situations using the phone (and actually show the phone interface and how simple and fun it is) people will take notice. Pretty simple, actually.

For instance, someone is at a club and likes the tune they are hearing. They pull out their Windows Phone, tap Shazam, identify the song, tap the Zune icon, download the song, play it. As they're rocking out to it again (on their phone) the phone rings (and music pauses). Show the "incoming call" screen with the user's photo. They answer the phone, the caller asks "Hey, real quick, when is that meeting tomorrow?" The person says "hang on a sec", taps the Start button, glances at their calendar tile, and tells the caller "10:00 in room 20." Caller says "wow that was fast." Hang up. Phone resumes playing the music, person resumes rocking out.

I agree with this. The commercials they have now are great, but they really need to show people how the phone actually functions, and what it looks like when you use it (which is actually very nice). Most people see the huge blocks on the front screen from a picture, and do not see how the phone actually operates. And when you see it in action, it actually makes a lot of sense, and you quickly realize how well thought out the design is, and how much better than your typical 'grid of icons' layout it is.

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