HP Elite x3 - Camera not focusing


New member
Nov 1, 2014

I use my HP Elite for just the camera now. And to upload video via wi fi for some content creation

But lately the main camera is out of focus when in auto mode. Usually indoor light settings, but sometime outdoors.

I tried manual and I get the option of Auto, Manual and Infinity. I tried Manual, rotating the dial, and it focuses for a second then goes out of focus.

Any suggestions?

FYI, the front camera does not have this issue.


I know this is an old post but the camera is dying. The focus mechanism in this camera module seems to be pretty poorly made because I've had the same issue happen to a stock camera and then a year later on the replacement camera. It's the focus mechanism sticking.

What I've found as a quick "temporary" fix (YMMV) is to drop (or smack) the phone against at hard surface face down at a 15-20 degree angle with the camera side hitting first. It has to be a fairly firm slap but it usually unsticks the stuck focusing mechanism. I didn't believe it until I saw someone else do it with another model phone on youtube and it worked for me in a fit of frustration.

I've just given up and let the wife take photos on her iPhone. There isn't any comparison in image quality at this point.
This is a common problem with these. It's usually the result of an medium to severe impact (did you drop it?!), it's happened to me twice. Once it happens your usually screwed, sometimes you can get it to focus (once) with another hard slap, but eventually that stops working and you risk glass breakage on top of it. I just keep ordering new in box $100 x3's off ebay and restore and go again!

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