HP Stream 7 Performance Question? Updated. System Interrupts Problem...


New member
Sep 2, 2014

Couple of days ago I recieved HP Stream 7 from my friend from UK, and I've been playing with it, trying to see what it can do, for what is the best etc etc...

And well, for ordinary things, like surfing, checking tapatalk forums, reading books and comics etc, it is great, but then I tried some Windows Store games just to see how "mobile" games performs on this tablet and I was kind of disappointed...

Asphalt 8 and Overdrive, Halo Spartan Assault, Despicable Me Minion Rush runs like ****. Its like below 20fps all the time. I tried putting 3D Performance to "Performance" and Battery Savings to Quality or Disabled but again, it's working terrible... Halo SA runs in like 3fps....

Then I google'd and I saw on Youtube many gameplay trailers where game runs at literally 60fps without any hickups... So I was wondering, how to make normal windows store games work normally because I'm reading reviews and impressions and everyone is just telling that those games runs just fine without any or little problems (glitch or occasional slowdowns)?

Thanks for advice..
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So let me reply to my own thread...

After couple of days testing etc etc, I found out that problem occurs mostly, if not only, when I'm charging my tablet, then I see that process named "System Interrupts" is taking around 30% of CPU usage in Idle, and it just don't want to go lower.

So now, I'm looking for solution to this problem. If anyone knows how to fix this please tell. I bet its USB Controller problem, but again I do not know how to fix it since latest drivers and updates are installed and honestly don't know what it is there to fix.

Thanks for your help.
Perhaps it is the drivers causing your issue?

I updated to the latest wireless hardware drivers on my stream 7 and couldn't connect to the Internet at all since it was installed. Had to factory reset to resolve it

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

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