It's a little sad to see that this thread is just about one step away from outright name calling.
The fact that the dell venue 11 pro is being thrown into the ring now is an interesting move. I can understand that it's based on the sales price at BestBuy (key on "sale") right now for $499.99. Its normally $750, and just was last week, though, interestingly enough, it was on sale for $599.99 from 4/26-5/2 (I know this as I was tempted to pick it up). The comparison to the S3 is on point due to Tue accessories available, the form factor and ideal practical use. I keep finding myself on the teetering point, but am hoping my teetering stays where it is till Sunday when the price will invariably go back up.
I've tried the DV11P (7140) at 3 different bestbuy's and have noticed that they all run rather hot. I made sure they were all set to neutral states at easy store and they never really got " cool". I tried opening a few browser tabs or ran a video and the device got hotter, uncomfortably so. I tried the same thing on the display S3, Yoga Tablet 2 10.1" w/ Windows, Transformer T100, unhanded 10.1 and stream 11that were they. They all were in a low or cool state when neutral, and none got hot in the minor test/play time. I thought it may have been those display units of the DV11P (thought same issue at 3 different stores seemed suspect), so I took the search online. The consensus on lots of the reviews was that, while the device waswas great, they all cited the device as running hot. Now most of the sites received dv11p's with the 5y71 chip (as opposed to bb's 7y10c), 8gb (vs 4) and 128bg ssd (vs 64gb), so it could be an issue with what they had, but is interesting none the less. It should also be states that the device, as they received equated out to around $950-$1100 (depending on what was cited).
The other element that comes into play, since I stated earlier being on the teetering point in switching device for device, is the add-ons. The device as is at best buy comes with a thin thin (listed as "slim" online) attachable keyboard, that retails separately for $100. They keys are thin, have no real travel or give and make for a difficult typing experience (although training oneself over time, could probably be adaptable). There is a "mobile" keyboard available online and in stores that goes between $109-$159 that includes it's own battery (but doesn't have Backlit keys) that extends the battery time by 30-40%. Then there's Dell's active stylus (I believe it's a synaptics digitizer on the device if I read correctly) that sells for $30.
I will admit, and have admitted a couple times in this drawn out (sorry) and exhaustive (sorry) post that I like the DV11P 7140, in theory. The fact that it runs hot for some reasons, is a deterrent, as well as the aspect ratio being 16:9. At best buy the device sits right next to the Yoga tablet 2 10.1" w/ windows, which is 16:10 ratio, but on a 10.1" and looks nice from a readability standpoint. I haven't seen many reviews of the specific Best Buy version of the device so am not sure what the benchmarks are, as I would assume that the 5y71 model w/ 8gb ram is a different beast entirely. If someone has the 5y10c model, please tell us what your experience is and any numbers you can supply to help.
I understand that the main detractor people have who dislike the S3 centers on its Atom x7 processor, and wish it had a core m, but feasibly I think that would drive up the price and then you might as well be getting a pro (heck some people think the SP4 will come with a 5y71 or newer high end coreM chip). The other core M devices I have seen out there are the T300 Chi ($699, 5y10, 12.5" no back lit keys, Bluetooth KB only, no full USB), the aspire switch 12 ($699, 12.5", 5y10, no backlit keys, no trackpad, Yes Full USB, very few reviews), Asus zenbook ux305 ($699, 5y10, laptop, 13.3" screen), yoga 3 pro ($1349, 5y71, 13.3" screen, convertible style). Unfortunately that doesn't really have anything, save for the BestBuy only model of DV11P, that matches the size/form-factor of the surface 3.
I think there is for sure a stance that can be taken easily for or against the Surface 3, and in the end it comes down to what you want a device to do, that determines if it will be best for you or not. Again, if anyone has the BestBuy specific Dell Venue 11 Pro 7140 4gb ram 64gb ROM Core M 5y10c with slim keyboard, please share your experience with the device and any benchmark numbers you are able to provide to help us see the best comparison in size (and at least this week price wise) to the S3. It would be very interesting and fun to see.