I think you're exactly right about it being the best CDMA WinMo phone out there, though that will change when the Treo 800w comes out.
And yeah, the out of box experience does stink.
What stuff from XDA did you throw on?
Sorry I dont know all the correct names for the programs.
- HTC's Homescreen plugin.
- HTC task manager 2.0
- HTC Large start menu
- Slither's SCLPC++ .051 cube. Pretty sweet but I use it more for the wow factor. It's still a bit buggy and consumes alot of memory (which Mog does not have). Slither is currently rounding the edges though. That guy is freakin awesome. Kudos to the folks at XDA. Funny but I emailed Dieter trying to get a PT gig writing for these guys. My mini-blog was how Ive basically turned my Mogul into a touch wannabe. When I actually owned a Touch due to a shipping mishap. LOL
- HTC keypad. Im using the old 1.0 from my 6700 due to the Touch keypad seems to mess up my actual sliding keyboard. Also I use a program called Diotek so I can enter Korean text. It acts kinda screwy with that too.
- HTC Camera Album. Landscape and Portrait. This is awesome.
- HTC Calc skin ( not a biggie but cool nonetheless)
- HTC Phone dialer of course.
- HTC Audio booster (kinda useless) I dont do alot of Mp3's yet. Im poor so I still have the 512micro sd the Mog cane with.
- And finally Ftouchflo to make it all work.
Just a side note to what you said about the Treo 800w. Isn't it funny how the paradigm shifted when the iPhone came out? Prior to that all the rave about a smart phone was "One handed operation" was it not? For a while there I thought WM was going to end their touchscreen platform. Really the release of the iPhone is a "blessing in disguise" due to the fact that WM developers and 3rd party developers are stepping it up. I will always be a touch screen guy. They are just way too much fun! (stepping off the soap box now)
Anyways, I think the thing I like most about Mog the most is the flexiblity. When I'm sick of it being "Touch-like" Ill just change it up.
Geez ask a guy a simple question and he writes a book.
Take Care.
Ok, I read your post and realized you are Dieter. Excuse my moronness (yes that's a word... now it is.)