HTC One makes me want to switch to Android

Gotta agree with you. So far, HTC One seems like the best android phone to me compared to the other high end android phones.
I was using a 920 until I switched employers and was forced to get a different phone. The HTC One lured me in. Beautiful device. Beautiful screen. Awesome speakers. More apps than you can shake a stick at. Lag? What lag. It flies.
And yet ... Here I am on my 920. I love the weekends when I swap my sim chip from the HTC to the Nokia. I love easily clearing out my combined email inboxes, somehow so much easier than on the android.
When I need to call or text a friend or my wife its 2 simple clicks, whereas in android I'm always fumbling around trying to figure things out. The UI is colorful, simple, and a delight to use. Android is a cluttered mess of icons and boxes and menus that makes me want to pull my hair out.
There are definitely a bunch of things that annoy me about the 920. But in the end I just feel at home on the Nokia. Even the sounds give me a little smile. It has a nice gentle alarm tone, nice message tones, etc.
Neither device is perfect, but the clean, simple, personal UI of WP8 has my heart.
I had a Galaxy S4 Active, and it's supposed water resistance was nothing more than a cheap marketing ploy to push out multiple Galaxy S4 models and possibly attract ruggedized device users away from other carriers and devices. I blew through two of them in a week, both thanks to water damage. There are gaps in the screen and phone housing that allow water to get into the phone, so even following directions to the nose resulted in damage. I didn't want to risk having more damage than I could care to account for.

Sample shots of the Sony didn't really show it was all that impressive. I'd rather not go out and drop a ton of money on a phone with supposed best in class features (again) and get stuck with a lemon or an also ran.

The HTC One suits my needs, period. I respect your opinion but I don't agree with it. I used to have a signature with some similar wording in it but some guy felt the need to have it taken down.

Mumble mumble hate terms mumble mumble

Then your decision is made. To be honest you couldn't go wrong with any Android flagship, especially not the HTC one, it has already won awards...oh and sense 5.5 should be releasing soon. HTC make good phones, I currently own two (htc snap & HTC EVO 3D- nearly 2 years and still running strong)

All the best :)

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using Mobile Nations mobile app

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