HTC Titan V 1st Generation WP7 Phones

Man why didn't they put that kind of quality into the Focus? :(
Dunno why they didn't just release the Omnia 7 over there. It's the same phone.

But you got the plastic version. I think we got the better end of the deal on that one. LOL

(I wouldn't have got the Focus here, as i don't like the design) :)
Really? If you had your choice what would you have gotten if you were in the US?
Is this device upgradible in the future to apollo

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Probably. Doesn't mean Apollo phones won't be more technologically advanced (i.e. dual-core processors, better graphics, more RAM, etc.). The thing about WP7 and possibly WP8, is that it doesn't require a lot of processing power or graphics power to run the OS. In fact, that is what is so great about Windows 8 itself. I mean if you have Windows Vista or Windows 7 now, you know how much processing is going straight to your OS and then if you play games on top of that you are pretty much using all of your computing power. But, with Windows 8 the minimum requirements are so low that a computer from 6 years ago will be able to run it. Now, will there be games next year on Apollo that these phones may not be able to run? Maybe. That is the real question.

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