i can't resize or move my tiles on my windows 10 pro

Pravin Ranadheer

New member
Aug 1, 2016
i tried several methods and additional softwares but still i can't move my ties on start menu.
i really need an solution

i see options
turn live tiles off
pin to task bar
rate and review
maybe you should clean install the OS

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Yea, clean install. If you just updated to W10 you've done it wrong. Yes, I know MS believe that an update over the previous OS works fine and is the best method. It never has been a successful approach though, as anyone who's tried it has found or will find out. I can only conclude that no-one at MS has actually tried in in-place upgrade, oddly. I assume they all use Macs or something?
I would wait if you just got it.

It's possible that windows 10 is using up a lot of resources which is causing issues. INdexing could be happening as well as store updates.

Go to the store then go to downloads and updates under your account picture and check for updates. Make sure they all finish. If there's a store update it may close the app and you may have to re-open it again and make sure all the updates go through. Once they do reboot your pc.

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