I got my 1520 AMA


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Nov 4, 2012
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If you have any specific questions about the phone ask me. I'll be home in a few hours and will respond. Screencaps and all that will be provided.

Ps. I love it


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Nov 4, 2012
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I'm so jealous! :p

How's the vibration feedback? Is it tin-ny/rattly like a lot of the 920's?

It's hard to describe..but it's a very light comfortable vibration... definitely does NOT have the tinny rattle issue that some of the 920s had. I had one of those and this 1520 doesn't do that rattle thing.


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Apr 20, 2011
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Do you have any screen protection on your 1520?

Also be sure to report back about battery life when its possible to do so.

Sent from my RM-893_nam_att_206 using Tapatalk


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Nov 10, 2010
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I currently use screen protectors. I'm sure with the other Phablets in the market you'll be able to find one suitable.

More importantly, isn't the 1520 utilizing ' GORILLA GLASS"??? My 920 was created using it and it's very very durable!

Nokia is very keen on covering its customer's needs . This being a flagship device will support and array of comfort doodads:cool:


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Nov 4, 2012
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Ok, to answer the questions above:

I do NOT have a screen protector or a case on this. I'm not sure that I will. I'm positive I won't put a screen protector on it. I don't like how they dimish the display if they're anti-glare. And if they aren't anti-glare they aren't worth having IMO. So, screen protector is ruled out. As far as a case, probably won't. I've owned the 920, 1020 and now the 1520. I've dropped the 920 and 1020 on tile more than once and kicked the 1020 across the tile floor on accident and it didn't do anything to it. This 1520 seems even sturdier than the other two phones. Also, I got the black one.

Battery life seems great so far. There hasn't been a noticeable drop in battery percentage at all, so that has to be a good sign.

Side note: I've notice that with my 1520, because of the extra real estate to put tiles, I find myself using even MORE live tiles than what I did before. With the 920 and 1020, I had to find a balance between pretty (live tiles), useful (priority of tiles on main screen without scrolling) and space (lots of small tiles). Now, I can have more live tiles while maintaining usability. I hope that makes sense.


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Nov 15, 2013
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I am usually anti-screen protector, but I still worry about sand, etc destroying the screen. Scratch resistant is not the same as scratch proof; so I will be getting an ant-glare one. If its like the majority of the At&T stock, they can be removed and re-attached fairly well.


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Nov 4, 2012
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A few more thoughts.

You CAN select your own text tone now. I currently have the Zelda secret sound as my text tone.

Also, the camera is ALMOST as good as the 1020. The difference is noticeable, but not obvious. Says more about how good the 1020 camera is than anything. I'm still very impressed with the 1520 camera. You can still zoom in and get that "wow" feeling.

Unexpected enjoyment: the keyboard. I make fewer mistakes texting on this giant screen.

Oh...and the display constantly blows me away. Download an HD game as soon as you can when you get it. I saw someone else on this forum say the display looks so good it doesn't even look real...it looks like a sticker on the face of the phone...thats accurate. Trust me, you'll be blown away by the display.


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Sep 23, 2011
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How is the scrolling in the browser? When I would drag my finger across the start screen on my 920 there would a delay, and this occurred in the app list too. I am wondering if you drag your finger across the screen there is no delay. The Lumia 520 doesn't have this problem nor does the 925 that I tried. I am just wondering if you notice this problem. Also in the official instagram app, when you are scrolling, is there is micro stutters or not?


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Jul 22, 2013
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A few more thoughts.

You CAN select your own text tone now. I currently have the Zelda secret sound as my text tone.

Also, the camera is ALMOST as good as the 1020. The difference is noticeable, but not obvious. Says more about how good the 1020 camera is than anything. I'm still very impressed with the 1520 camera. You can still zoom in and get that "wow" feeling.

Unexpected enjoyment: the keyboard. I make fewer mistakes texting on this giant screen.

Oh...and the display constantly blows me away. Download an HD game as soon as you can when you get it. I saw someone else on this forum say the display looks so good it doesn't even look real...it looks like a sticker on the face of the phone...thats accurate. Trust me, you'll be blown away by the display.

that is wxactly how I described the display to one of my friends, it really is amazing how clear and solid the way the screen displays images


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Nov 19, 2012
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Awesome, thanks for the pics. I'll forgive you for being a Chiefs fan. :wink:

I saw it in person at the MS Store and it's a very nice device. My first impression was that it looks and feels like a big HTC 8x. I see this as more of a tablet than a phone, which I like. Can't wait to pick mine up on Friday.


Apr 1, 2012
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Great deal. I sure hope I won't have to boycott Microsoft because I really want this phone. Come on Microsoft send me my phone on time! Else it will be curtains.....


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Nov 29, 2012
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I am usually anti-screen protector, but I still worry about sand, etc destroying the screen. Scratch resistant is not the same as scratch proof; so I will be getting an ant-glare one. If its like the majority of the At&T stock, they can be removed and re-attached fairly well.

Keys in a pocket with these screens is a sure way to scratch it up. I did that once by accident on a Lumia 920.

I've seen other phones come out perfect after getting ejected onto asphalt.

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