I hate tech journalists (rant)


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Jan 16, 2012
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I'm sure that there are probably a million other threads like this, but I had to rant. Lol

Cortana kept suggesting this article for me to read all day: Windows 10 for Phones Details Could Disappoint. I had a lull during my shift at work with nothing else to do, so I went ahead and read it. And it brought up this deep hatred I have for tech journalists that has subsided over the years of following this site instead.
The key topic being brought up over and over again (and I've seen it on plenty of other sites, too) is 512MB RAM devices. The low-end phones; the phones that drive the majority of what little market share WP has.

Pre WP8.1 era, whenever Microsoft's mobile OS was mentioned, the room was flooded with complaints about lack of features and apps (largely by people who had never even used the OS). But OK, I understand that. Then, once 8.1 came out, there was a little bit of praise, and the notorious tech bloggers and journalists ceded that the platform had all (or most*) of the features they were looking for. (*I won't go into detail about the complaints of lack of complete Google integration other than to say that's exactly what Android is for...)
The main thing that WP always had going for it was how buttery smooth it ran on low-end handsets, and this was covered time and time again by quite a lot of people (once they ran out of breath from their app store rants and took a minute to recover). This is significant because Android largely isn't like this when compared to the system from Redmond. In Google's world, if you buy a crappy phone, you get a crappy UX. The bloggers blame the phone and move on**. With WP, this isn't exactly so, but with Win10 coming in preview form possibly this week, Microsoft has said that the 512MB phones won't get all the features that the new OS has in store. Cue complaints from the rabid journalists chomping at the bit for any chance to put Apple or Google in God tier over MSFT... (**Maybe here's a reason why there needs to be more distinction in the WP line of hardware. Lumia always will be synonymous with WP, but maybe we need more separation (and more OEMs that are actually in play... not counting the pathetic attempts by HTC, and particularly Samsung).

I honestly don't think that half of them even understand digital electronics. They expect a brand new OS to come with all these amazing new features (of which we don't even know much about yet), and they expect it to run flawlessly on outdated hardware and shame Microsoft for apparently disabling this new functionality. (OK, outdated is a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea.)

And weren't these the same people who just months ago were telling me how Windows Phone finally brought all the features that they would ever need in a phone?

TL;DR: Pro-tip: downloadmoreram.com doesn't really work


Alright, so I know that, in their defense, they have to write articles that draw readers in, and it's trendy to diss WP. But can't they just for once sit back and look at the articles that they're writing and at least consider the content against what they wrote about the competitors' platforms? I mean, I'm a bit of a MSFT ******, but I can't be too rash in saying that there's some unreasonable hate for the platform on the interwebz.


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May 11, 2013
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'tech journalists' tend to overreact upon windosws's costumers complaints. And underrated then when the company is putting effort to get things done.

I tend to ignore most If not most of them when they go full nonsense and with excuses. I rather read my blog optimist/realist blogs.


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Jan 16, 2012
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I used to try to ignore them but then decided maybe I should keep my mind more open to other opinions. Strongly considering going back to the strictly ignore strategy... Lol

Add: I think it's almost like listening to people from the other political party explaining their ideas. I want to hear what they have to say, and I think I understand where they're coming from, but I just can't imagine how they could be so stupid to think that what they're saying is true and would actually work.


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Apr 3, 2013
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Good thing no one told that journalist that a lot of the older hardware won't get some features of W10 either... :p

The feature break has already happened (WP8.1.1) and will continue to happen as you have to differentiate what low/mid end and high end mean and older hardware. If all low/mid end phones can do what high end phones do, then what's the point of a high end phone?

I know a lot of people are going to complain about this but this is fact. You buy the device you can afford you cannot expect all the bells and whistles of a high end phone on low/mid end hardware nor the software that is specific to it.

WP is great on the all hardware but they have to do something to attract people to by the high end hardware otherwise people won't see the point. This was bound to happen and I expect it to continue. MS as well as other OEMs need to set up their phones to suit the new market. It appears to me that 512MB phones are no longer a viable option so I don't expect to see them any more. I would assume the 8GB of storage or lower should go too but I won't hold my breath.

As for tech journalists. Most haven't got a clue. They just write the same garbage all the time. Few have any real interest outside their own tech bubble.


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Jul 8, 2014
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Good thing no one told that journalist that a lot of the older hardware won't get some features of W10 either... :p

The feature break has already happened (WP8.1.1) and will continue to happen as you have to differentiate what low/mid end and high end mean and older hardware. If all low/mid end phones can do what high end phones do, then what's the point of a high end phone?

I know a lot of people are going to complain about this but this is fact. You buy the device you can afford you cannot expect all the bells and whistles of a high end phone on low/mid end hardware nor the software that is specific to it.

WP is great on the all hardware but they have to do something to attract people to by the high end hardware otherwise people won't see the point. This was bound to happen and I expect it to continue. MS as well as other OEMs need to set up their phones to suit the new market. It appears to me that 512MB phones are no longer a viable option so I don't expect to see them any more. I would assume the 8GB of storage or lower should go too but I won't hold my breath.

As for tech journalists. Most haven't got a clue. They just write the same garbage all the time. Few have any real interest outside their own tech bubble.

Modern low ends have 1 gig of ram standard, in a few years I'm sure 2 gigs will be standard for ram. As tech improves, so do the minimum requirements in hardware.


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Apr 3, 2013
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Modern low ends have 1 gig of ram standard, in a few years I'm sure 2 gigs will be standard for ram. As tech improves, so do the minimum requirements in hardware.

I was referring to the article as they were making a point about 512MB devices. Yes I know what is considered standard now and I know in time that will change.

I know quite a bit about tech as I've been using it for some time. I've seen computers advance since their earliest beginnings as home devices. I know the trends, I've seen the struggles and I can possibly guess where we are headed for the short term.


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Aug 20, 2011
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I'm sure that there are probably a million other threads like this, but I had to rant. Lol

Cortana kept suggesting this article for me to read all day: Windows 10 for Phones Details Could Disappoint. I had a lull during my shift at work with nothing else to do, so I went ahead and read it. And it brought up this deep hatred I have for tech journalists that has subsided over the years of following this site instead.
The key topic being brought up over and over again (and I've seen it on plenty of other sites, too) is 512MB RAM devices. The low-end phones; the phones that drive the majority of what little market share WP has.

Pre WP8.1 era, whenever Microsoft's mobile OS was mentioned, the room was flooded with complaints about lack of features and apps (largely by people who had never even used the OS). But OK, I understand that. Then, once 8.1 came out, there was a little bit of praise, and the notorious tech bloggers and journalists ceded that the platform had all (or most*) of the features they were looking for. (*I won't go into detail about the complaints of lack of complete Google integration other than to say that's exactly what Android is for...)
The main thing that WP always had going for it was how buttery smooth it ran on low-end handsets, and this was covered time and time again by quite a lot of people (once they ran out of breath from their app store rants and took a minute to recover). This is significant because Android largely isn't like this when compared to the system from Redmond. In Google's world, if you buy a crappy phone, you get a crappy UX. The bloggers blame the phone and move on**. With WP, this isn't exactly so, but with Win10 coming in preview form possibly this week, Microsoft has said that the 512MB phones won't get all the features that the new OS has in store. Cue complaints from the rabid journalists chomping at the bit for any chance to put Apple or Google in God tier over MSFT... (**Maybe here's a reason why there needs to be more distinction in the WP line of hardware. Lumia always will be synonymous with WP, but maybe we need more separation (and more OEMs that are actually in play... not counting the pathetic attempts by HTC, and particularly Samsung).

I honestly don't think that half of them even understand digital electronics. They expect a brand new OS to come with all these amazing new features (of which we don't even know much about yet), and they expect it to run flawlessly on outdated hardware and shame Microsoft for apparently disabling this new functionality. (OK, outdated is a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea.)

And weren't these the same people who just months ago were telling me how Windows Phone finally brought all the features that they would ever need in a phone?

TL;DR: Pro-tip: downloadmoreram.com doesn't really work


Alright, so I know that, in their defense, they have to write articles that draw readers in, and it's trendy to diss WP. But can't they just for once sit back and look at the articles that they're writing and at least consider the content against what they wrote about the competitors' platforms? I mean, I'm a bit of a MSFT ******, but I can't be too rash in saying that there's some unreasonable hate for the platform on the interwebz.

tech jounralists rarely use a product longer than what it takes to turn it on after unboxing. i think what you're looking for are real-world folks that use them daily. some of the bloggers (yes, i know, bloggers grrrrr) actually do a good job of reviewing devices from a day-to-day standpoint instead of the stuff you already know about. check them out ! ( not going to spam with blogger feeds )

also, i'm going to flip your point about google integration from above:
"I won't go into detail about the complaints of lack of complete Google integration"

let's replace Google with Microsoft in that statement.

Have you ever heard a person lament, complain, whine, or rant about microsoft not supporting their iphone/android device with microsoft software/services ? i haven't. personally, i've never heard one person say "man i really want that __________ app" that microsoft has on THEIR phones but won't let MY PHONE have it."

it's always the windows phone users wanting the google/iphone apps and services, on their windows phone.

now, i'm _not_ picking on users here. i'm pointing out the _desire_ of users for software from specific vendors.

what software are mobile handset owners clamoring for, from microsoft ?
what software are mobile handset owners clamoring for, from apple and/or android ?

​serious questions


Jun 10, 2014
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I honestly don't think that half of Windows Phone users even understand digital electronics. They expect a brand new OS to come with all these amazing new features and they expect it to run flawlessly on low-spec hardware

There you are. I've corrected your comment.
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May 3, 2014
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Even though mostly all 512mb ram phones would not get the entire benefit of windows 10, but as time goes on most people would save up some money to get one gig plus devices to get the full potential of windows 10; I know I would be doing that. So I do not understand what is the problem tech bloggers have but they need to grow up.

Edit in addition: I still own a iPhone 4s, specs for ram is 512mb; on the latest version of iOS with some features not available due to physical or OS limitations. But tech websites are not making noise because of this, I call unprofessionalism on the tech blogger website for not keeping up with tech history; history teaches us things.
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Mar 30, 2014
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There you are. I've corrected your comment.

100% correct on your corrections.

Many WP users want Google services and yet despise the company... Many WP users want the market share of the other platforms but fail to understand unless Microsoft changes the OS and their business practices radically they will never see it happen.

It's not that WP os is totally unusable because it has a lot going for it... But it isn't what the world prefers.

Tech journalist usually just repeat what has already been said about WP and those who do actually use one confirm what they see, and there in is the problem. It isn't what they're used to or hoping to find.

Most WP users are quick to defend the platform and are quick to make excuses for the platforms issues. A tech journalist usually isn't going to make excuses for it and this is upsetting for many WP users.

One of the biggest problems I see with WP users is unrealistic expectations. Not only from a hardware standpoint but from a software standpoint as well. Low end hardware will never perform as well as highend hardware.... And only software that is optimized to run on low-end hardware has a chance to run well. Unfortunately many people who use WP think otherwise and complain because they have been led to believe they can

Cry me a river if you want but then build me bridge to get over it... Posted from my HTC M8


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Jan 16, 2012
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only software that is optimized to run on low-end hardware has a chance to run well. Unfortunately many people who use WP think otherwise and complain because they have been led to believe they can

The thing is, WP has been optimized to run on low-end hardware, and the reduction in the feature set in Win10 is just another iteration of this optimization. But I see what you're saying. People need to realize that this is what's going on.
Maybe it needs to be demonstrated somehow. Show people, "Hey, this is how poorly your phone would run if it had the full blown Win10 (for phones)," and let them realize the hardware limitations. Because what I noticed in that article was the author basically said that Microsoft is gona limit the features on low-end phones and that'll be another mistake by them, not that Microsoft is optimizing the OS for low-end phones so they'll be able to handle it. (A bit more of an optimistic tone.)


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Mar 30, 2014
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The thing is, WP has been optimized to run on low-end hardware, and the reduction in the feature set in Win10 is just another iteration of this optimization. But I see what you're saying. People need to realize that this is what's going on.
Maybe it needs to be demonstrated somehow. Show people, "Hey, this is how poorly your phone would run if it had the full blown Win10 (for phones)," and let them realize the hardware limitations. Because what I noticed in that article was the author basically said that Microsoft is gona limit the features on low-end phones and that'll be another mistake by them, not that Microsoft is optimizing the OS for low-end phones so they'll be able to handle it. (A bit more of an optimistic tone.)


Cry me a river if you want but then build me bridge to get over it... Posted from my HTC M8


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Jan 16, 2012
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Hey didn't say it wouldn't run smoothly. I'm sure it will, that's expected of WP. According to Belfiore, MS is taking out some of the features (to make it run smoothly), and that's what he was complaining about


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Apr 17, 2013
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The easy response is "you get what you pay for". That being said, I've got 2 quad core servers, an i7 quad core laptop with 24 GB RAM, and so on. My tablet cost $75 and is a quad core with 1GB RAM. Am I an elitist? Really? iPhone w/ 512mb doesn't compare with an Airbook for features? I don't question that my 928 cannot keep up with my quad core i7. Odd thread.


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Mar 1, 2011
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I'm not sure if tech bloggers are the problem anymore. Bloggers do have a right to criticize the platform when they see big companies pulling their apps from the store, not updating apps, or flat out refusing to support the platform. But it's getting better. Bloggers don't repeatedly beat up on Windows Phone like they were doing 1-2 years ago. My guess is that they realize now that Microsoft isn't dropping Windows Phone and the app gap isn't worth harping on in every article. In fact, coverage of Windows 10/mobile has been surprisingly optimistic. Tech bloggers seem genuinely interested like true enthusiasts.

And I think that's where the separation begins. Tech bloggers are enthusiasts. They don't have to buy a Windows Phone to be excited about what might come. On the opposite end we're consumers first, enthusiasts seconds. The future of WP matters a lot more to us because we're financially invested. So negative news burns more, hurts a little longer. After all, it's our money on the line. For some, it's even their reputation amongst their fans. I think that's why a lot of people here (and the occasional blogger) are bitter, because we're still waiting for validation. Sales keep inching up, more apps keep coming out, but the greater goal of being generally accepted always seem slightly out of reach.

So when negative articles come out (or even forum posts), it seems like a solid punch to the face. Personally, my phone is capable of doing so much now that I don't feel burned by negative articles. It (slowly) keeps getting better while also doing everything I want my phone to do. So I relax. Not calling anyone out but other people need to do the same, lol. Perhaps realize that you bought into an ecosystem that went from a distance fourth place in market share to a distant third. And while that's not very comforting when you need a particular app/service that's not available, you also gotta accept that there will be bad days and there will be good days. It all comes with being third.

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