All the 808 is doing is giving Nokia headaches.. if it didn't exist the 920 would've been 2x more impressive, and the 1020 would've blown everyone away..
So in lamen terms? lol I was thinking generally that Nokia really needs to sell this concept well....I was looking at the 1020 pics on my l920 earlier and could not see a difference in the them until I came to my laptop...I wonder how many people are seeing the pics on their phones...even the ones Nokia officially posts up and say....meh....what's the all looks the same. But what do I know...I know nothing of photography...just know when I don't like something.
They need to do a better job at explaining, yes, but it will be very hard.. and like some people already said, image quality is not something everyone cares about
I see no embedded color profiles in every shot from 1020. Take care if you are using a wide gamma screen without proper color management.
The in-phone scaling algorithm seem a lot of room to improve. You will get far better results by proper post-processing.
original 5M OOC
Scaling in photoshop, sharpen ,and assign SRGB 41MP->5MP
Anyone see the differences?
To my eyes, in this case, the image from the phone is a bit better.. but I am sure you can get a bit better results in some cases by doing the resize your self.
When the 808 launched a lot of people were wondering what kind of algorithm is Nokia using to oversamples the images, because its not just simple pixel binning, and I think the closest we got is that they are using something very similar to:
Lanczos resampling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so if you do decide to process the full res image your self, use Lanczos to downscale.
I would guess they are using something very similar with the 1020.
The "noise" that most guys are complaining about could be corrected by firmware upgrade. The 1020 will produce much sharper 5MP version of image compared to 808.
You really can't compensate for the smaller sensor area with software that much.. considering how mature the 808's jpeg processing is, its pretty much maxing out what the Toshiba sensor can do.. so.. even if they get to that point with the 1020 in terms of processing, it will always be noisier overall.
And in terms of sharpness.. if you pump up the sharpness on the 808 to the max its pretty good, I doubt that the 1020 will be that much sharper.
No, 808 is using FSI while 1020 is using BSI which is at least 25% more sensitive to capturing light compared to FSI with same sensor size.
How accurate do you think that 25% number is ? I am yet to see a high end camera use a BSI sensor and produce a decent image.. if they were 25% more sensitive to light, don't you think that we would've see at least one DSLR with a BSI sensor until now..
At this point, its just a way for the OEMs to be able to use the same small BSI sensor but pack more pixels into them so the consumer can be led to believe that they are buying a better camera. It also sounds good in the marketing materials..
1020 does not take good pictures, it's obvious. When 808 was announced it's samples were just mind blowing.
It does take good pictures, and there is potential to make some pretty cool photographs.. considering the shutter speeds, you might be able to capture things that would be impossible with the 808. We will have to wait and see ...
In terms of raw IQ.. yes, it will be a bit behind, but most people won't care.. let's be real, most people don't even know what an 808 is.
The samples from the 808 were indeed very impressive.. but just imagine for a second that the 808 didn't exist.. wouldn't you be impressed with the 1020 ? Its above and beyond anything else on the market..
The 808 was more of a niche device not because of the camera but mainly because of the OS used, on the other hand the 1020 uses a modern phone OS that is way more mainstream than the 808 one was.
It wasn't the OS itself.. it was Nokia's decision to publicly "kill" the platforms by announcing that they will not support it anymore, which wasn't true anyway, and the very high price of the 808.. it was $700 at launch, and it didn't have much carrier support around the world, and NONE in the USofA.
The OS itself is not bad at all.. its a modern as they get. You are talking about the UI..
1250 ISO ... why... : (