I have a Nokia Lumia 1020 AMA

I just added some comparison shots from a dark room as well as shots of the device. If you click on the photo the details section tells you whether it is an iPhone 5, 920, or 1020 and the condition. Tomorrow I'll try and have some real low light photos for you!

Thank you!

Both at 400iso with xenon


Original: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7389/9341375538_63ccf3140e_o.jpg

100% crop


original: http://www.esato.com/phonephotos/cam/nokia/808_pureview/201212260531Lx1Io2.jpg

100% crop


The difference is way too big... did you zoom in with the 1020 ??
It won't let me upload the full res, I will put it on flickr. sorry I can't replicate the lighting from the original before, people are sleeping in the house!
WP_20130722_00_52_54_Pro (2).jpgI also just did a crop and zoom on the photo on the night stand which impressed the hell out of me. It is on Flickr.
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If anyone wants me to email original files to prod around more than I can I'm happy to if it'll help answer questions/find info.
Disappointed that the advantage is not easy to be noticed by average users, it has to be thoroughly analyzed and argued by advanced users in order to be accounted!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Well this phone is technically made for the photo enthusiast which is a niche market.
Last thing before I crash from exhaustion. The ability to refocus is awesome. I took a screenshot of what the 5MP looks like before opening it in Pro and seeing what else is there to refocus. I can't figure out how to upload from the app, I'll put them in Flickr in the morning.
Last thing before I crash from exhaustion. The ability to refocus is awesome. I took a screenshot of what the 5MP looks like before opening it in Pro and seeing what else is there to refocus. I can't figure out how to upload from the app, I'll put them in Flickr in the morning.

Hi pavvento!

Thank for great photos. Can you make photos where you use full zoom level and then take shot. I'm not talking cropping but actual situation like you would use optical zoom. Just like to see how good those 5Mpix images look without any down sampling. I could just zoom in to those fullres pics, but don't know where exactly it is 5 mpix of size.

Edit: checked photos again and there's those zoom samples. Looks decent enough. Obviously with slightly bigger sensor those would look better. Nokia could have been more generous on that sensor, since everyone kinda expected it to have bigger hump. Can someone calculate how much thicker that hump would be if using same sensor size like in 808?
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LOL, I'm just loving the excuses. Every image delivers a blow of unpleasant reality to you and are desperately trying to convince yourselves that 1020 still takes good pictures. "But, but Nokia will fix it in an update", "But, but 1020 is an enthusiast camera"... weren't you claiming it was a mainstream camera and 808 was an enthusiast camera no one knew about?

FACT: It does not take good pictures.

Show me a single 1020 pictures that looks as good as this...


Or this,


1020 seems to only perform decently in very low night, even then there is grain and noise. Daylight pictures though, are hopeless, they are simply atrocious.
LOL, I'm just loving the excuses. Every image delivers a blow of unpleasant reality to you and are desperately trying to convince yourselves that 1020 still takes good pictures. "But, but Nokia will fix it in an update", "But, but 1020 is an enthusiast camera"... weren't you claiming it was a mainstream camera and 808 was an enthusiast camera no one knew about?

FACT: It does not take good pictures.

Show me a single 1020 pictures that looks as good as this...


Or this,


1020 seems to only perform decently in very low night, even then there is grain and noise. Daylight pictures though, are hopeless, they are simply atrocious.

Hmm... These 2 photos are amazing! You are right. Now that you mentioned, I do see lots of grainy dots on 1020 photos, even for daylight or well-lite photos. Not sure if updates going to fix what 1020 can offers now, but currently 1020 camera is definitely not offering what we expected. All the zoomed photos are having smudged images. Is pretty bad I would say for a 41MP sensor.

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