I have black accent color!!! And my phone model is written Microsoft Lumia 820

There's no black accent. The whole OS look weird because you enabled High Contrast in Ease of access settings.
There's no black accent. The whole OS look weird because you enabled High Contrast in Ease of access settings.
Nope it's not about the contrast... Thanks to Travis he explained everything , a friend of mine just messed with my phone's registry :/
Change name back to Nokia:
Open CustomPFD app, go to tweaks section, scroll down and change Manufacturer Name to "NOKIA"

To change accent color back, I need some info:
Go to settings -> themes -> accents on your phone and look if an accent color is missing (it MUST be one missing)
Post the name of the missing color. Then I can give you instruction to remove black accent....
Go to Settings > Ease of access > Turn off accent color(High contrast) (Actually, turn off eveything in the Ease of access settings)
Go to Settings > Ease of access > Turn off accent color(High contrast) (Actually, turn off eveything in the Ease of access settings)

You are missing the point... It's a 3rd party .xap, not Ease of Access.

To the OP: smack your "friend" upside the head for downloading 3rd party software from an unknown source to your device without your approval. Then make your "friend" undo it. Unfortunately the "dev" who posted the .xap has no revert instructions - that is just sloppy and a sign that it probably should not be tinkered with.
Thanks for help guys, he apologized and said that he just wanted to try it (-_-).... I changed the name back to Nokia and returned everything as I believe it was before, Thanks again guys! :)
It's easy to change the phones name to anything even Apple 6X is you want :wink: Just connect phone to Windows Phone app for desktop and change it there. You have to reboot the phone afterwards.

He doesn't mean the friendly phone name, he means the Model Name like : Nokia, HTC, Sony , etc.
Thanks for help guys, he apologized and said that he just wanted to try it (-_-).... I changed the name back to Nokia and returned everything as I believe it was before, Thanks again guys! :)

Why is this thread still here then ? it should be deleted. Some people are so irresponsible don't you think ? :winktongue:
Your friend is awesome. From a fellow geek to another, tell him: "you rock!".

His friend is awesome for modding this guys phone without permission or explanation? For installing a .xap from an unknown source on someone else's hardware and then just walking away from it?

​I most strenuously disagree.
His friend is awesome for modding this guys phone without permission or explanation? For installing a .xap from an unknown source on someone else's hardware and then just walking away from it?

​I most strenuously disagree.

Well... luckily he's not using an Android. If not, it might come with a "free gift".

But yeah, it's not a good thing to do. I don't think his friend really know what he's doing, but merely following instructions to mod it.

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