I have black accent color!!! And my phone model is written Microsoft Lumia 820

It's really easy to have black accent color. Open start+theme, set to black background, choose an all black photo you just made in the dark for start background and remove all but the transparent apps from the start screen and viol? black accent color.
It's really easy to have black accent color. Open start+theme, set to black background, choose an all black photo you just made in the dark for start background and remove all but the transparent apps from the start screen and viol? black accent color.

What about the action centre and the apps and the keyboard, it's Impossible.
His friend is awesome for modding this guys phone without permission or explanation? For installing a .xap from an unknown source on someone else's hardware and then just walking away from it?

​I most strenuously disagree.

Well lets be honest.................he gave him the opportunity.
Although he was being naughty, he has learned the owner a valuable lesson.
Never leave your phone unattended.
Never leave your phone unlocked.
Never trust anyone else except yourself on your phone.

This time it was a innocent joke, but wat if it was not.......
I just run trought the proces.

And now how to undo this?
Undo any settings as possible ( name change etc. )
Then uninstall al the aplications regarding to the tweaks.
Also uninstall the patched aplication(s)
The extra themecollor cant be deleted, but cant do any harm.
If you want to delete the costumized color, you have to do a hard reset.
If you deside to do so, you dont need to uninstall the aboved
named aplications but can go directly to the hardreset.
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Now I want that accent color, we want this on Windows 10 :)

Give it a run.
But is that realy what WE want on 10?
Neh, its funny atmost, but thats it
With the same methode you can change the bootlogo aswell.
So if you up to it, go right ahead.

I like a good tweak and modding.
But it is not without a risk, so keep your backups handy and or to be on the save site.
Download a reserve firmware or install the Nokia caresuit, just incase you cant recover it.
Well lets be honest.................he gave him the opportunity.
Although he was being naughty, he has learned the owner a valuable lesson.
Never leave your phone unattended.
Never leave your phone unlocked.
Never trust anyone else except yourself on your phone.

This time it was a innocent joke, but wat if it was not.......

I like a good modding too and would certainly be capable, but I would never mod someone else's device without their permission.

You are forgetting the rule:
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The OP didn't ask for any of this. It was an unwanted intrusion and crossing a boundary best left unbreached. The "friend" asked to borrow the phone. He likely tried it the OP's device first to make sure it wouldn't bork the thing preparatory to modding his own phone... Now if the OP hands knucklehead his phone a second time he deserves whatever happens afterwards. Not this first trusting instance between "friends."
Nice little tool....just changed my theme color and boot screen.
It has no use off course, just did it because it can.
Oh man! I never knew Windows Phone had this capability of hacking and stuff! This is awesome!! I should definitely try it because I kinda miss the tweaking I used to do with Android :P

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