I Have to Say That After 4 Years with WINDOWS Phone...

I have been cheating on my Lumia with an iPHONE....not leaving, i just needed more experience with it in case i leave in september.
I get this thread is satire(I never understood why people needed to make long drawn out threads...youre switching OS/ecosystems not going off to war lol)

that being said, while it is good we as windows Phones fans are positive a lot of the above "Pros", i feel can also be viewed as cons that it is taking 4 years for a lot of the pros to come.

my fling with the iPhone is over and i am getting my Lumia back today, but ehh idk....i guess i am still in for now.

Funny thread though.
So all I got from that OP is you are bragging about how many WP you had. I want to chime in too..
Samsung Focus
HTC Titan
Lumia 800
Lumia 900
Lumia 710
Lumia 920
Lumia 925
Lumia 720
Lumia 1020
Lumia 1320
Lumia 630

​I win.

I think i have you beat(though i count my colors as separate phones haha)

1. Lumia 920(Red and yellow....I have a thing for yellow)

2. Lumia 1020(I got two)

3. Lumia 810

4. Lumia 925

5. Lumia 820(briefly)

6. HTC 8x(Red)

7. HTC 8x(California Blue)

8. Lumia 1520(Red

9. Lumia1520(yellow)

10. Lumia 630

11. Lumia 1320(It is my work phone now)
I wish Samsung would hop on it a little more too. I'm just crazy about my Neo, and they made that quad-core for Verizon, but anyway, yes, the list of manufacturers making WP's is more than we can count on one hand, that's a valid little "plus" is it not?

I am so with you. Loved my Samsung Focus S back in the Wp 7 days, and I loved the Neo enough I was going to grab one until I found a new in box L920 for about 50$ cheaper and couldn't say no. Love this Lumia, but I really did like that Neo. That ATIV SE is the most under rated WP 8 out there. Just sings, and is a sexy screen (pure preference).

Very, very interested as to how all these new maunfacturers and Nokia now being Microsoft Mobile shakes out with new devices in the next 6-18 months. Should be a fun and exciting time once they get rocking the releases.
One of the reasons why I ditched my iPad mini was that I've only seen two types of people who use Apple stuff: the n00bs and the fanboys.

Yeah, but I think of it as more of a class thing. People who prefer Apple products feel that they are in some sort of exclusive group where they are better than others who prefer Android or Windows. As I stated above, I have an iPad Mini myself, and in all reality, it's a decent little device, but not really anything truly special and certainly not anything technologically superior to what Microsoft has put out. Still, it allows me to familiarize myself with iOS and updates to iOS and try out the latest apps that might not be available on Windows Phone. As previously stated I was considering doing the same with a Nexus 7 for Android as well, but I've been a bit hesitant to buy a Google product because of all the hatred they have towards Microsoft. So we'll see.
The thing is that I'm the guy who people like to ask when it comes to technology questions, having personally used Microsoft products for about 30 years and previously working in the IT field for many years. So it looks bad on my part if I have no idea when it comes to products so commonly used today such as iOS or Android. I never really understood why all the hatred for Microsoft. Sure, they made deals with OEMs to install Windows but anyone was always free to install whatever they wanted on the computer or buy a custom built computer without an OS. The huge ordeal with Microsoft including IE with Windows and the attempt to break up the company was the most ridiculous thing. Anyone was always free to install another browser. Now days Google includes Chrome and Apple includes Safari. It's the norm. Google is the one who is suckering people in by requiring GMail and Google+ accounts to access many of their services while Microsoft and Apple simply require a Microsoft or Apple ID and you can use any e-mail address you want. Furthermore, Microsoft is supporting all 3 platforms, unlike Google or Apple. Why don't people think of Google as the evil one instead of Microsoft?
Well it is WP will be expose but the problem are those resellers who just ignore and suggest them not to buy WP as what I observed here in the Phillipines. But most of my classmates gettin jelous because I own Lumia device.
Just take them where you bought your phone. So the can enjoy it as well.
So all I got from that OP is you are bragging about how many WP you had. I want to chime in too..
Samsung Focus
HTC Titan
Lumia 800
Lumia 900
Lumia 710
Lumia 920
Lumia 925
Lumia 720
Lumia 1020
Lumia 1320
Lumia 630

​I win.

Ha ha That was not the point at all. I understand how it might have looked like bragging, but that was not my intention. I was simply trying to demonstrate my WP loyalty. I did include a sarcasm clause at the end of m the post hoping to lesson the negative reactions.
Glad to see you are a big WP supporter though.

Posted from a little cabin on the summit of Olympus Mons.
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Yeah, but I think of it as more of a class thing. People who prefer Apple products feel that they are in some sort of exclusive group where they are better than others who prefer Android or Windows.

As I agree with you it WAS like that years ago, as Apple had some good marketing and make that image but, in the marketplace as I see it, it's faded. What you have now is the fanboys, the Noobs and the clueless (not all 100% dumb people, they are just clueless on mobile phones and someone they know has one, so the "default" smartphone)who get iPhones.

That high end feel that the iPhone used to have is gone, It died with a lot of innovation with Steve Jobs. Trust me, I hated the guy (stories I read he was an a$$hole) but, no question, I respect what he did to the mobile marketplace and how it woke it up. RIP
So all I got from that OP is you are bragging about how many WP you had. I want to chime in too..
Samsung Focus
HTC Titan
Lumia 800
Lumia 900
Lumia 710
Lumia 920
Lumia 925
Lumia 720
Lumia 1020
Lumia 1320
Lumia 630

​I win.

I wouldn't count the amount of phones as a win.....more a sign of a Tech Junkie ;-) or someone who likes to have a new phone each day lol

I would look at Length of time in the trench of the phone/os war.........

My start with a semi-smart phone was Windows Mobile 2003 SE on an Audiovox SMT 5600 (HTC Typhoon rebranded).....however my very first Windows based phone was a device that was never even thought to be worth support by software makers. A Casio BE300 PDA running Windows CE 3.0. What a fight that was to get a CF GSM Card to run with an old MIPS chip device....when even Audiovox wouldn't help with support for a device it never wanted it's software to work on.

Pocket PC Phone Edition
Then Windows CE 4.0
Windows Mobile 5
Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5
Windows Phone 7 and 7.8
Now Windows Phone 8 and 8.1

I think I have carried the banner of Windows Phone long enough to retire a Happy camper from the o/s war and relax in peace with my Windows Phone in hand knowing I did all I could to bring attention to the cause :-)
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I for one am glad to see you staying. I love WP, I just upgraded from a 928 to an icon, and from a sp2 to an sp3 this past week, and I'm totally content.
A well-armed gang of WP forum thugs/fanboys/fangirls has formed ready to attack or troll the ios and Android forums. I mean, obviously, things are looking up for the little os that could that is WP. So, after juggling all of this progress, I've decided not to leave Windows Phone. It's definitely not the best phone os (opinion), but each Windows Phone that I've owned has fit my needs...and that's all that really matters. I'm sure my sarcasm will be overlooked by a few people, so I apologize in advance..

To me this is quite simple; Until IOS and Android deliver a better user experience for my needs, I will continue using WP as my daily device.
I'm not a loyalist or supporter, and I'm not calling Microsoft my religion but WP is definitely the best phone os for me right now. I even find the others inferior to WP because they don't give me what I want, the way I want it. Still I will occasionally and gladly recommend both Android and IOS phones depending on who's asking because I know this is a subjective opinion and a matter of taste, image and needs.

I wonder why you find WP not to be the best os in your opinion when it fits your needs? Why not go for the best.

Anyway, thanks for your post. It was refreshing reading :smile:
To me this is quite simple; Until IOS and Android deliver a better user experience for my needs, I will continue using WP as my daily device.
I'm not a loyalist or supporter, and I'm not calling Microsoft my religion but WP is definitely the best phone os for me right now. I even find the others inferior to WP because they don't give me what I want, the way I want it. Still I will occasionally and gladly recommend both Android and IOS phones depending on who's asking because I know this is a subjective opinion and a matter of taste, image and needs.

I wonder why you find WP not to be the best os in your opinion when it fits your needs? Why not go for the best.

Anyway, thanks for your post. It was refreshing reading :smile:

I guess what I was trying to say was that it wasn't the best....as in it's really impossible for a device to be considered the best overall because everybody's wants, needs, and opinions are so different. My 1520 is the best phone I've ever owned. It is the best for me and fits all of my needs. I guess in my attempts to keep things lighthearted I got my thoughts jumbled. I think Android and iPhone are great operating systems, but they just aren't for me. My wife, however, loves her S4, and I'm cool with that. I wish she would come over to the WP side of the force, but she can only use Android or iPhone where she works. I wonder how many other WP users are in that predicament???
I wonder how many other WP users are in that predicament???

Once 8.1 breaks out and is fully updated with the Corporate security fixes in place, I would bet dollars to donuts most IT people will be shocked how well a Windows Phone will fit and set up in that environment !!!!

To be a fly on the wall when a Corp. IT guy dives into the settings.:evil:
I just used my Windows Phone and it worked!

Not camping right now, yet we are very happy!
I'm kinda wondering if I should go to more Microsoft products like windows phone and surface pro 3 because I'm liking MS products more and more. Right now I'm using mostly Apple stuff like iPad, iPhone, and Apple TV. But I do use PC. How much better would the integration be on windows phone or surface?
My first smartphone was a Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant, I liked the looks but didn't enjoy O/S, My next Phone was a Nokia Lumia 900 I was just so intrigued by the simple smooth O/S that I felt like this was home and where I belonged, then in Feb. of this year I picked up the Nokia Lumia 1520, I was really fine with my 900, but I had taken stock with what I use a phone for, the least is actual phone calls, so the larger screen made sense to me. and I have been really pleased with Nokia build ever since day one. and I point that out to everyone that says Ive never seen anyone who owned a phone like yours. I have not downloaded 8.1 on my phone, I'm patiently waiting for the formal release. but my Windows phone is still the best experience I have ever had on any o/s, so their is no need to change. Hail Hail Microsoft.
I'm kinda wondering if I should go to more Microsoft products like windows phone and surface pro 3 because I'm liking MS products more and more. Right now I'm using mostly Apple stuff like iPad, iPhone, and Apple TV. But I do use PC. How much better would the integration be on windows phone or surface?

It sounds like you're heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem. If you're running 8.1 on your PC, you'd find WP looks very much like it. Microsoft's goal is to get us to a universal OS in which a dev can build an app and it will run on Windows PCs, tablets, and phones. We're already seeing some apps, like Reading List, that sync the PC and WP content. Outlook desktop, web-based, and WP content is, of course, synchronized, including contacts, calendars, and task lists. But you probably have something similar on the Apple side of the street.

Integration? What are you wanting to do? You already have tremendous integration amongst all your Apple devices. Are you looking to swap out your tablet and phone? If so, you can sync settings across devices with a single MS ID login. If you're looking to stream wirelessly from your Surface to your TV, I believe there are apps for that and with an Xbox, you can use your Surface as a keyboard and screen controller. As for integration with Apple devices... probably not.
I'll be 3 years on this HTC Radar this December, my first WP. My next is more than likely than Nokia McLaren. And my next 2 after that in 6 years or so after are more than likely WP 9 & 10 beasts. I'll give it two monster WP's later, and then we'll talk about jumping to any other platform. I was a Blackberry guy before this. :)
I am SOOOOOO freaking tired of the "beg me to stay" threads! Really, I wish the mods would come to a decision to disallow those types of threads. You want to leave? LEAVE! The "Jerry Maguire", only worked in the movie and nobody cares if you don't like your phone. You made the decision to come to WP, you can find your way back to whatever herd you wish to be with.

<drops mic>

I'm out.
Sent from my Lumia 1520 using Tapatalk
My 1st was the HTC Arrive, now sporting, a Samsung Ativ S Neo with 8.1 preview on it until the update comes out. Not seeing myself move anytime soon. Also waiting for BBM to be released for WP.

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