I Have to Say That After 4 Years with WINDOWS Phone...

Has anyone noticed anything like this:
I was riding my bicycle back from the mailbox a few blocks away.

I noticed a flaming fireball entering the atmosphere.
When I retrieved my Windows phone out of my pocket to snap a photo aiming at the fire ball the space debris shifted course slightly to the West.
I believe this may have diverted a regional disaster because the Windows phone may have a hidden feature affecting gravity which may have forced the object off course sending it into the Pacific ocean.

Has anyone seen anything on the news about a space object splashing down between Japan and California?
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After 1 year on the WP platform I will....well...I don't know. I left the Android world and replaced Google services with the MS equivalents. For the most part it is okay - don't get me started on XBM though...

Missing a few key apps. Overall sub par app quality. Good device (L925). Waiting on the Onedrive/XBM locker service. If that doesn't happen anytime soon I am gone. I will go with the platform that works with me not against me.

That LG G3 sure looks nice...

I just sold my 1520, tired of waiting for the screen issue to be fixed, and picked up a G3. Just an amazing device if you are considering it. I will buy another WP when they have a 5.5" screen, but for now, this thing is crazy fast, battery lasts 2 days, and the screen is amazing.
It sounds like you're heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem. If you're running 8.1 on your PC, you'd find WP looks very much like it. Microsoft's goal is to get us to a universal OS in which a dev can build an app and it will run on Windows PCs, tablets, and phones. We're already seeing some apps, like Reading List, that sync the PC and WP content. Outlook desktop, web-based, and WP content is, of course, synchronized, including contacts, calendars, and task lists. But you probably have something similar on the Apple side of the street.

Integration? What are you wanting to do? You already have tremendous integration amongst all your Apple devices. Are you looking to swap out your tablet and phone? If so, you can sync settings across devices with a single MS ID login. If you're looking to stream wirelessly from your Surface to your TV, I believe there are apps for that and with an Xbox, you can use your Surface as a keyboard and screen controller. As for integration with Apple devices... probably not.

I don't know. I do like the OS of windows phone a lot. Main thing are apps. While it has most if what I use, I'm concerned with app support as well. A lot of apps I use haven't been updated for months. Another thing is I'm still unsure what direction the OS is going to go in light of recent rumors.

As far as replacing my iPad, I'm not sure because it seems like the surface pro 3 seems to be the only thing is like and that would act as a laptop as we'll. there just doesn't seem to be a lot of windows apps.

In regards to your integration question, I was mainly talking about if all the Microsoft services would sync across apple hardware well? Like calendar , mail , onenote , one drive, and etc.
I am SOOOOOO freaking tired of the "beg me to stay" threads! Really, I wish the mods would come to a decision to disallow those types of threads. You want to leave? LEAVE! The "Jerry Maguire", only worked in the movie and nobody cares if you don't like your phone. You made the decision to come to WP, you can find your way back to whatever herd you wish to be with.

<drops mic>

I'm out.
Sent from my Lumia 1520 using Tapatalk

Totally agree with you.
Has anyone noticed anything like this:
I was riding my bicycle back from the mailbox a few blocks away.

I noticed a flaming fireball entering the atmosphere.
When I retrieved my Windows phone out of my pocket to snap a photo aiming at the fire ball the space debris shifted course slightly to the West.
I believe this may have diverted a regional disaster because the Windows phone may have a hidden feature affecting gravity which may have forced the object off course sending it into the Pacific ocean.

Has anyone seen anything on the news about a space object splashing down between Japan and California?

Nope, I don't think it hit the ocean. And thanks to you, I'm in the process of looking for a good roofer now. ha ha
One of the reasons why I ditched my iPad mini was that I've only seen two types of people who use Apple stuff: the n00bs and the fanboys.

When I purchase a device, I don't worry about what other people are using. I certainly wouldn't stop using a device because I thought it was popular with "noobs" or "fanboys".
well, it hasn't been 4 years for me.

but nearly 2, that i have switched from a feature phone, to windows lg optimus,
running windows 7.8

i don't need pure touchscreens, so i will never switch to 8/8.1 unless they add
a hardware keyboard.

also, i don't care about apps, games, or the camera.

as long as the phone works, and it can do text messages i'm good.
also, the music player is rock solid, and works almost as well as
my previous zune HD player.

so until this phone breaks in a couple of years, i'll stick with windows phone.

i'm not worried about android or ios, all my programs are windows based,
and i have a surface pro.

i'll stick with windows regardless of what changes occur.

I have always been a big fan of Microsoft since the days of MSDOS. I had Android phones, they were ok but I always felt that something was missing and when I switched to WP, I felt like I came home, very comforting feeling and it has everything I need/want and felt nothing missing like I felt with Android. I HATE apple, never used them and never will.
Why you hate apple? if you never used any of apple things?
When I purchase a device, I don't worry about what other people are using. I certainly wouldn't stop using a device because I thought it was popular with "noobs" or "fanboys".

I mean it's one of the reasons. iOS 7 screws up performance, and the screen is just terrible for its price.
I received my 1020 in May this year, as a gift from my fiancee, for my birthday. I wanted that phone since it came out for it's camera (i previously owned an N8). The camera is amazing (as you all know) and windows phone fits all my needs. I didn't upgrade to 8.1DP and still waiting for the official release and my phone is rock solid and runs smooth. I belive WP is here to stay, and i can see the potential it has. I can't wait to play around with WP 8.1 and all the apps for it. I wouldn't change the 1020 with anything on the market today.
I also stick to wp too, same with OP.
Using android since donut, wp since mango.
There is a feeling about being somebody have phones not same with people around, and start a trendsetter.
But too enjoy to leave wp, even After my lovely L520 stolen, and i have LG L7ii to replace, i feel something wrong holding android phone. So i trade it with L625, and starting feel comfortable in my hand.
I think msft and nokia still have something that they keep and waiting to be released, and its make me said wow finally wp have reach top os level.
love at first sight (well, second N9 was first). It, was lonely in the beginning with my L800, but my now I have many padawans on the Lumia side of the Force :)
To be honest, that's much easier to accept than being called a ****** ;-)

LOL. I think there should be a third category for those of us who have an iPad as a secondary device. Some us (me included) primarily use Microsoft products including Windows Phone, but we happen to have an iPad for any of the following reasons. 1) To familiarize ourselves with the OS to help others with issues or to help others compare iOS with Windows Phone or Windows RT. 2) To run a particular necessary app. 3) To use specifically with a piece of hardware that requires an iPad. 4) Because we just want it all.
Okay, I'll bite, having used the living daylights out of my trusty L920, on most days when I was working I would come home 8 in the evening with barely much left on the battery or a dead phone. When I first got my phone, it would last a few days on a single charge as I didn't utilize it to it is full potential (just some calls, texts, word and email).

As I started adapting to the O/S and after a few months I found I was twiddling my thumbs most of the time waiting for the next appointment when I got to the office, as I was able to do most of my work on my L920 on the go however I always carried my laptop with me as a backup.

Inspection notes? got one note for that combined the stellar camera plus cloud sync.
Contract editing? covered with word.
Contract signing? thanks to docusign + tethering printing contracts for signing were a thing of the past.
Scanning? Camscanner.
Collaborating? One drive + webapps + email
CRM access - Internet Explorer (The IT guys were adamant it would not work and does not work :grin:)

The only thing that was lacking was a floorplan app, had to use a woeful PDA for that. So yes, you could literally work off your phone and if anyone says Windows Phone is not capable.. then they haven't really worked on the go at all (to think where tech was 10 years ago lol). On the flipside if your co-workers are not technically proficient and insist on sending attachments with the wrong subject line then your out of luck there... no amount of tech will help you :winktongue:

I'm in for the long haul and don't see myself using any other o/s in the near future.
If Apple comes out with a 5 inch iPhone, I will jump on it so fast I'll need a parachute to stop. WP is just too incomplete, and windows RT is just useless. Plus, if Microsoft puts out anything significant it will be better on the iPhone than WP anyway.
If Apple comes out with a 5 inch iPhone, I will jump on it so fast I'll need a parachute to stop. WP is just too incomplete, and windows RT is just useless. Plus, if Microsoft puts out anything significant it will be better on the iPhone than WP anyway.

"WP is just too incomplete" pff hahahahahahah really?????
DUDE your so called iOS,which is complete,doesn't even support a normal Bluetooth connection,can't even delete photos that are synced from iTunes,after ~5-6 years now they have enabled predicted texts which I am using right now to type,also before a year they added QUICK Toggles AKA CONTROL CENTER WHICH AREN'T CUSTOMIZABLE BUT IN iOS 8, now they are adding an option,no Micro SD card option,no file manager, the list can go on....
So please JUST STHU and don't you speak trash when you don't know and know to use ****.
Go! I ain't deploying parachute for you but I would rather give you a turbo jet to go to your COMPLETE OS!

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