I LOVE my Lumia 950XL!!!


New member
Mar 10, 2013
Okay, so I've had this phone since it launched here in Canada, and I can't tell you how many times I've said to myself, I love this phone.

For so many reasons. Some of them very personal, and some...

First off, I like a black phone. No smudges to worry about. And I like the plastic that feels like metal material that the Lumia's have. I know some people hate it, but I like the look and feel. It's a personal subjective thing, but I do.

I love the size. It's just perfect for me. Once I hit 40, my eyes started to go, and the larger screen, as much as I hate to admit it, is the perfect size for me.

I love wireless charging. Just the other day I was trying to explain to an iPhone person the joys of wireless charging, they didn't get it. They were like, 'You still have to plug something in to charge it' and I said, 'Yes, but it's great to simply drop my phone onto my Tylt charger and move on with my life.' They still didn't get it, and they won't until the iPhone has wireless charging, and then they're going to love it.

Love the screen.

LOVE the camera. Really love the camera and the camera button. I have two kids. It's a life saver.

So that's the stuff I love about the hardware, I also love Windows 10.

Love tiles. I love having all my info on a nice big tile that's updated constantly. Love the music equalizer. I love the Gadgets app. There are so many improvements over Win Mobile 8. It is worth it. I still have my Lumia 830, but love my Lumia 950XL.

And yes there are bugs, and there are days when I'm less in love than others, but if you add everything together, it is totally worth it.

Anyone else love their Lumia 950 / 950XL? And why?


New member
Dec 2, 2015
Exactly my thoughts except the fact I have not hit 40 yet, but 31 :) and the eyes...whatever :) so I can write the same ....and yes even with the bugs it has ......its much better than any android/Iphone device....


New member
Sep 24, 2014
I dont own it cz im a poor guy.. Some please gift me a 950xl.. :p But im sure the device is worth every penny..


New member
Mar 1, 2015
"They still didn't get it, and they won't until the iPhone has wireless charging, and then they're going to love it."

So true.


New member
Dec 29, 2015
Like the idea of bigger screen for sure, But, How do you carry a "larger" phone? Seems like some are getting too big for pocket, and even a ase on belt?


New member
Jan 23, 2015
Ha, may you have a fruitful relationship!
In truth I also am enjoying the 950 XL greatly but mostly for size.
Coming from the Lumia 1520 the delta wasn't there regarding processors, camera and OS.
SIZE? well that is a different story.
This Lumia is just about the perfect size for me.
Conversely, I'm not giving up anything [mostly] going small.
Great phone, enjoy.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
I had a lumia 920 then an lg g3 and now i have a lumia 950xl and im loving it. It is an amazing phone. The android os is too slow and too boring compared to windows 10. I am glad that i bought the 950xl


New member
Mar 1, 2015
Like the idea of bigger screen for sure, But, How do you carry a "larger" phone? Seems like some are getting too big for pocket, and even a ase on belt?

Still fits in my normal sized Levi jeans pockets. Lumia 950 XL is actually quite slim for a phone with a screen this big.


New member
Sep 2, 2014
I love mine too. I agree with the black version looking awesome and stealthy like one of those stealth fighter jets. I don't know why they show off the white one so much, it looks bad.
I have the mozo brown leather as well, I do prefer the original black. The leather one is also thicker and makes the phone heavier. To a noticeable degree. So I typically don't use the mozo that much. Only when I know ill need the extra grip from the leather.

I love the iris scan and how much better it has gotten. It works so well for me it's ridiculous. Sometimes I'm surprised that it will get me at these odd angles and further distance. It still has some quirks. It will tell me to move closer but it's actually moving further that allows it to work. And sometimes it does fail. But these barely ever happen.

It's definitely a great phone that has gotten a bad rep for what people think premium should look like. I get people eyeing the phone like crazy. Curiosity I guess.

I use continuum daily as my main driver. Though with one caveat, I RDP into my PC connected to the TV. Only because at this point continuum is still not there yet. But it definitely has some great potential. I also have to run the disable screen app so that it doesn't keep my screen lit the entire time i'm using continuum.

OS has a lot of work to become a great User experience. And it's really the most limiting factor of what is amazing hardware. If this thing was running ios or android it would be a huge hit in my opinion.

So let's hope w10 grows into something really great.


New member
Jan 23, 2015
OS has a lot of work to become a great User experience. And it's really the most limiting factor of what is amazing hardware. If this thing was running ios or android it would be a huge hit in my opinion.

So let's hope w10 grows into something really great.

I like W10.
Does it have issues? Of course.
So does Android. I'm not familiar with iOS.
Just saying:
Don't be to hard on W10...it's not a bad OS at all and will only get better.
Jan 3, 2008
I would love a 950 xl if only sprint or Verizon would allow it. Looks like I will be stuck with my 635 for quite sometime.

Win10 though, not so much.
I have been on the insider program since February 2015, my 635 runs it fine. But.... Microsoft took all the good from 8.1 out. Like no group email.
People app. Totally neutered.
Phone app. Disaster.
News app, cluttered and clunky compared to 8.1.

Those negatives for me out weigh the improvement, so I have gone back to 8.1 for a month now. Waiting for missing features to be put back.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
I like my 950xl also. But some cons.

No double tap to wake
No Glance Screen PEEK option
No fingerprint reader
Lack of muiltifinger gestures
Does not autosave screenshots to OneDrive
Mobile hotspot inconsistent
Cortana does not always work and sometimes comes up randomly

Sent feedback for all these already.


New member
Jan 3, 2016
I love mine too, is not perfect but for my taste it's surely the best phone out there


New member
May 24, 2015
Glad to see another user love it so much! Nothing in this world is perfect but this phone has the specs and features to go far. Windows 10 Mobile needs some work but so does all operating systems.

This phone and operating system meets all my needs and then some. With use of 3rd party apps, I'm only missing two banking apps and really only need them for mobile deposits.

I love the combination of this phones features and the Windows Eco system. Android just feels too "fun" to me.


New member
Mar 17, 2014
I haven't got the 950 XL just yet. I have until March 1st, when my Verizon contract is up. After that, it's just a matter of time.

I've been on the insider program with my Icon, since it became available. The OS isn't bad at all. Sure little things here and there, but overall the OS is stable.

A few things I'm hoping get better when I get the new phone; battery life, WiFi connection (the icon was always hit or miss with connection; doesn't connect to WiFi, so I have to restart it); Bluetooth connection, to my car and Wireless charger. I have seen these as issues with the XL as well, but there more sporadic vs my icon; they're everyday.


New member
Sep 2, 2014
I like W10.
Does it have issues? Of course.
So does Android. I'm not familiar with iOS.
Just saying:
Don't be to hard on W10...it's not a bad OS at all and will only get better.

Yes, but strictly speaking, the app gap, and even all the little things that matter. There's a lot of quirks in w10m. Things that become frustrating. Saving images in edge or doing things that should be easy but requiring too many steps. And just behaviour that is odd in general. Plus of course it's not well known while the other 2 are well known so that would make the phone well known automatically and would probably be sold everywhere.

w10 is my fave OS no doubt, but it's not ready for the public. MS knows that too. Hence the delays.

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