I LOVE my Lumia 950XL!!!


New member
Mar 10, 2013
Well, you can take all of the complaints that you have about Win Mob 10, stack them up as high as you can, and it wouldn't come close to the complaints that I have against Android.

Sure they have more apps, but when my Note 5 suddenly shuts down in an important meeting, or over heats because... I have no idea why, when the bloatwere on every Samsung phone makes it slow as molasses, when the launcher app that I paid good money for stops launching apps, when the Widgets stop working, when the email app fails to send a very important freaking email, etc etc etc...

When all of that happens, I stop caring about the app gap. I just need the phone to work, and my Lumia 950XL always works. Mostly always. I haven't had any of the problems that I've heard other people have, and when every now and then I have to shut down the phone and start it up again, I say to myself, 'At least when I start it up, it will be just as smooth and fast as the first day I got it. I really don't want to go back to Andoid. And I've never had an iOS device because I will never go back to a phone that doesn't have a replaceable battery. I work on film sets, sometimes for 14 hours at a time, in remote locations. Most people in the industry have iPhones, and by 3pm, they are all fighting for that spot around the electrical outlet. All I have to do is plunk in another fully charged battery, and within a minute, I'm at full power. I will never, ever never ever ever give that up. If the new Surface phone doesn't have a replaceable battery, then it's just not for me. And that's fine.

This is just perfect for me. So there's no snapchat. Oh well. I have no one to snapchat with anyway. And one day they will get snapchat and I still won't care. But that's me.


New member
May 23, 2015
I agree with you vociferous. I've had android phones for the last 5 years. Sure plenty of apps but in reality I use very few of those. Sometimes I even revert to using the mobile webpages for them. Android has certainly had its fair share of problems (even now). My M9 resets occasionally, usually at the most unopportune time. I actually like Windows 10 whether it's on PC, tablet, Xbox or phone (I used a windows phone for work). I've ordered a Lumia 950XL and pick it up form the local post office on Saturday. Interesting times ahead.


New member
Mar 10, 2013
Well, I hope you like it. Just this morning, I woke up, opened up my phone and all of my appointments were right there in a live tile, the news ticker fed me local news, and my todo app had the top todos for the day and I didn't have to open a single damn app. Love it.


New member
Mar 10, 2013
Battery life on my 950 XL is great. For me. And I use it all day long. Podcasts, email, calendar PDF, Word, music, video, everything. It lasts from 8 am to around 7 pm. And I have an extra battery for really heavy days.

Sadly, I think that Windows in general has wifi issues. On the phone, and on my tablet. That's one thing that I know is going to be fixed, but right now it kinda sucks.

And they changed Bluetooth. There is now a Gadget app that works GREAT. Get that. Use that to connect your Blutooth devices. It really does work really well. Better than Win Mob 8. But WARNING: The downside, you have to enable all of the apps that you want your device to work with. It's a real pain. ANd if you don't know to do that, you just think that your device doesn't work. I really wish they had an automatic select all. But once that's done. My devices stay connected much better, and it's faster and easier to reconnect them.

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