I need Skydrive help. *Very important*

Sounds like a complicated situation. You might have to show us the pictures to have a better understanding of the problem. :D
But, I in fact see my mobile uploads folder on my phone and can still see them on my phone.

So not sure how it works for other people?
Maybe Mango beta? Cause I am rocking NoDo.

I agree, I don't see how moving them to the mobile upload prevents them from being seen. I have pics in my mobile uploads that I see. <scratches head>
I agree, I don't see how moving them to the mobile upload prevents them from being seen. I have pics in my mobile uploads that I see. <scratches head>

Thank you! That is what I am saying!
In fact, if I create any folder on my Skydrive account from a browser and put a picture there, I can see it on my phone.
Be sure to move the pictures and not copy them. If you still watch them then move it to Documents.
I wonder why none of the mobile OSes out there have built-in password protection for pics and videos?? Seems like a simple thing to do but not one of them has stepped up to the plate yet.
Yeah it will make sense. I mean people will take naked pictures of themselves with the phone, it's not smart but is gonna happen. Also the pictures don't need to be dirty for you to want them to be a secret, maybe you are having an affair.
Yeah it will make sense. I mean people will take naked pictures of themselves with the phone, it's not smart but is gonna happen. Also the pictures don't need to be dirty for you to want them to be a secret, maybe you are having an affair.

Having an affair isn't dirty?

I'd think you'd be better off saying "Maybe they are into illegal drugs and have to take pics of the shipments and don't want people seeing that?" haha

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