ATT can not sell that phone if you took it back like your original intent. Thus you deprived them of property and money. They have to send it back to HTC as a return and they do not get the money for that unit as a sale to a potential customer. Then when you exchange for the other phone they give you that one for free. So they lost 2 phones from inventory and only got half price for both. Then they are paying to send one back to HTC. They will refund them something for that phone I assume.
of course they can!!!! lol , even if they retake the phone out of policies , they can sell it FULL price without the contract data credit. ( on a 30day term )
the ONLY time they cant re-sale a phone and actually lose cash on it, is if they take back a phone that is DOA after the 30day DOA policies. (doa= dead on arrival ) and that is not the case in this situation. And if it was , that’s their problems. with in 30dayz HTC refunds (same thing goes for samsung , LG , apple , RIM ect.. )
Not to mention cell phone companies make NO cash on the actual Phone , they pay FULL price from HTC then sell it to you at a discount price… then make $$ off you from your monthly bill ( hence why you have contracts ) , it actually takes over 1 year for them to make $$ off of your new phone….
you are 100% allowed to take the phone back . Return it 1 week later and say you dint like it … if the rep is a ***** . wait till the store is DEAD so they cant complain they are losing potential sells…
. I worked in a store for 2 years .. and did this for clients ALL the time.. the client is 100% in his RIGHTS by LAW! To return a product.
takes 10min TOP .. more than that and you need more training with your system….
-Order system
-select buyers remorse + type in fictional MEID (witch cancels the order ) ( or put back old MEID which reverts the order )
- refund phone
- have a nice day sir.
And if it’s a SIM card phone . all they need to do is refund you and WHIPE the phone … 5min..