I really regret getting a windows phone.

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Yep mytube is the real deal, I can't leave WP because of it, I hate ads in the official app from Google so I don't really care about the official YouTube app if they might ever come out.

Whenever I use my android tablet I miss mytube as the app has some amazing features such as reading comments and browsing videos while the selected video is already playing..
[WARN]Any further posts telling the OP that they:
  • made a mistake
  • should have done more research
  • have only themselves to blame for their buyer's remorse
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Constructive feedback is very welcome however. Thank you.
[WARN]Any further posts telling the OP that they:
  • made a mistake
  • should have done more research
  • have only themselves to blame for their buyer's remorse
will be deleted. Those points have been made ad nauseam and do not require repeating.[/WARN]
Constructive feedback is very welcome however. Thank you.
Well you're taking all the fun out of it... :smile:
Could you expand on why you won't use third party apps?
For Security reasons nothing more bro.
Thanks everyone for your opinions, i really value them and especially Ian who made me feel welcome on my first day in the Windows Forums.
I'm not giving up just yet, what i'm gonna do is wait until Windows 10 is released maybe everything will get sorted out.
I will admit that I don't use Instagram, so that isn't an issue to me. But, I really like WP, and can't see going back to Android. I was a committed Android user, until I got a Surface. After that, I started looking at WP's, and picked a 920.

There are some great suggestions in this thread on app options.
Well not giving third party apps a go means your really missing out on great apps like Tubecast, use it to stream to my x1 and to confirm - you don't need to sign-in to use it. Sure it's not miracast but it gets the job done, I can understand from a security standpoint however which is always best to check the permissions an app needs to run (this can be seen in the details screen, two swipes to the left from the over view screen).
Just a point to bring out that Rudy Huyn is such a great developer that his apps are all rated 4 stars or higher with several thousand reviews (10,000+). Third party apps are a way of life for Windows Phone and they work very well.
Is it normal for people to purchase a phone without reading up on it a bit? I always figured people will check out the app availability, before making a platform switch. Maybe I'm weird, but I enjoy researching electronics before I make any purchases :sweaty:

Yeah we're both weird. :P
You should have tested it with a Lumia 520 or 620 (or at least browsed the Windows Phone store) rather than shell out $600 on switch. If you don't like 3rd-party apps, which is a totally valid need, you should switch to iOS or Android.
If security is a concern I suggest avoiding not only 3rd party apps, but 2nd party apps as well. Stick to only what comes preloaded on the device, and apps made by the OS developer. Who can say if some cool new weather app, messaging app or any other random app or game isn't just harvesting your data? You have no idea. Just be smart. Read reviews; see what else the devs have done; look at permissions, and ask why they're needed. You will miss out on a lot of great stuff not just on WP but also on Android and iOS otherwise.
Windows Phone needs tons of updates, more OEMs, needs to be a little more open -----> Could use 3rd party keyboards..etc.. GOOGLE support is pathetic, >big company app names< have pathetic relationship with WP.. Maybe when Windows 10 arrives that would be fixed, solely because of more users getting a WP If of course Microsoft manages to put enough sex factor to it ---------> The Look ----> That's what majority of people see before they want to get a phone.

Anyways I think you can still be happy, those apps you lack are pointless anyways -- everyone realises that at some point ---> when your stop caring about social networks and do more in real life LOL. Snap chat, try out Skype Qik and talk your friends into it, yes that's hard.. Everyone uses snapchat around here too ----> So cheap that you're going to be more cool if you don't use it at all. Lol sorry I'm a little carried away but it's true at some point. I hate my WP for this sometimes too and then again I Love it, there's lots of apps here that no other platform owns. However I do hope that devs get on WP someday.. Win 10 or I'm switching too.. Or not.. I'm all about the camera and Android OEMs still have no manual controls, we'll see if there will be some interesting Hardware either way. Appsappsapps are the pain sometimes here. Yet I think you can be happy that you get more battery on WP version of that phone and the overall experience is smooth performance.

I will later share some apps and features you can only get on WP when I have time.
I switched to Windows Phone when the Nokia Lumia 920 came out along with the launch of WP8. Since then, I've had only Nokia Lumias; the 920, two 1020s, and now the mighty Lumia 1520. WP has come a long way since then, getting better and better with each update. I'm now at WP 8.1 Dev Preview update 1 and have no regrets at all... and I use my phone to do everything! I haven't looked back and don't miss the iPhones one bit (I had 4 generations of them). I for one, know great things are coming with Windows 10, so I'm not going anywhere! The best is yet to come.. I'd suggest sticking around!
Personally I wouldn't touch an android phone, because I find android is too full of bugs, although regrettably I have a Google Nexux 7 (2013).
I currently have a Lumia 520 which is amazing for a cheap piece of junk! It doesn't do 4g and it has a rubbish 5mega pixel camera. And the sound is rubbish during phone calls (you have to make sure you have handset on loudspeaker and not put it to your ear or risk getting deaf). However, having said all that, the WP8.1 is nice and smooth.
Ive just bought a Lumia 930. Unfortunately, this expensive piece of rubbish is boxed up and waiting to be returned to Amazon, as its got known faults, ie phone overheats, qi charger frazzles phone, double tap to wake doesn't function properly. Apart from that the camera was pretty good.
Even with the above comments, I still wouldn't use android phone because of too many bugs.
As far as Apple are concerned, I wouldn't use any of their products as they took freeware software, put their own proprietary wrapper around it, and sell it in hardware for mega inflated prices. Also, as far as im concerned ITunes has killed off the music business so that the only people getting rich out of it were whatshisname of Apple and the record labels.
WP8.1 is worth persevering with in my opinion, as I think that when the die hard Apples and Android get over themselves and realise that the manufacturers are profiting out of what was originally freeware, and try out wp8.1 they will all swallow their words.
I would say live with it for a longer time than a couple weeks. Switching platforms can be jarring. I was on the fence on switching back to what I knew (former IPhone user) and sticking with the platform for a month or so before I just decided that I really really like Windows phone. Everything about it fits me well. There were a few apps that I missed for a bit that either have now come to Windows phone (flipboard) or I forgot about, I actually prefer Weave to flipboard, and have not really touched flipboard much since it was released. Are there games I wish were on our platform? well sometimes, they would be nice. I also know Android wen through similar experiences when it decided to go against IOS. Things will improve, and they HAVE improved immensely. I REALLY enjoy the platform as a whole, the connectivity and smoothness of the entire platform (windows, windows phone, web etc.)

The community as a whole is very friendly and inviting. There is frustration right now due to the yearly (yes, this exact same scenario played out last year) where you get a group of people frustrated with the speed, lack of speed, certain apps not there, certain features there, or not there or whatever and they voice their frustrations very vocally. The frustration will settle over the next month and the enthusiasm will return.
Hahaha, thanks for even more heads up.

I could never consider buying a WP 'cause at first galnce, it's just fugly and there's no option to change the system wide layout of the OS. The app gap, that's an even bigger headache. I was using iPhones up till the 4s, then iOS 7 become yet another fugly experience with no option to get rid of it. I then decided to give Android a shot on the OnePlus One; versatile and smooth experience in the palm of my hand.

Makes a much better companion to my Surface Pro 2 than I could imagine a Windows Phone doing...
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