I really regret getting a windows phone.

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For Security reasons nothing more bro.

Morning, Hexacore.

Windows Phone is much more secure than Android or iOS. All apps are run in a 'sandbox' so are unable to do nasty things to the system. So if you're concerned about malware infections, you can breath easy.

If it's tracking, data harvesting, and general 'spying', there is a feature to report concerns to MS about the app (on the app's page on the Windows Store.) If the app was suspected of being malign in some way, MS would do something about it.

I appreciate that the app gapp is a concern for you, especially with respect to the social network apps, but do give the 3rd party apps a go. If you don't like or trust them, remove them. It only takes a few seconds. The gap with lesser known apps (such as those from retailers), well, we just have t learn to live with that, I'm afraid.

Switching platforms can be jarring
Agree. It took me a while to get to grips with my L735, but having used it for a few weeks, when I revisit Android, I find it a disjointed experience. Only the Settings in WP are in need of a nip and tuck; everything else is well thought out.
For Security reasons nothing more bro.
Thanks everyone for your opinions, i really value them and especially Ian who made me feel welcome on my first day in the Windows Forums.
I'm not giving up just yet, what i'm gonna do is wait until Windows 10 is released maybe everything will get sorted out.

You mentioned Snapchat as an app you wanted in one of your earlier posts. I don't use Snapchat (official or 3rd-party) and won't ever use it, since I have concerns about its privacy and security. The FTC also has concerns. This Wikipedia article has a good summary of the issues with Snapchat.
Hi Hexacore, you're welcome. I've became tired of flame wars, so I decided to try a different way. It's nice to know it's appreciated. :)

Have you updated to the latest Facebook app ( This might solve your issue, if not then tell uncle Ian.

The You Tube situation is down to Google, who claim that the Windows Phone user base is too small to warrant them developing an app. That they'd say this when there's something like 100,000,000 WP users out there really shows how knobbish Google is to both their competition and their own users who dare to use something else. this goes some way to explain why Google is pretty much a dirty word around here. I personally advise everyone to stop using Google services and delete their Google accounts, but I'm sure most won't and I enjoy access to You Tube as much as everyone else. I use MyTube, which I've found fits my needs and is very good quality.

I don't use Snapchat or Instagram myself, but there is a developer called Rudy Hyun who writes excellent apps that usually have a 6 in the title. I know he does 6snap for Snapchat and 6tag for Instagram. I do recommend this developer, he has a very good reputation and I use his CloudSix for Dropbox client. Incidentally, you can use the search box in the top right to find apps for any specific need.

I'm sure we can make you a lot happier with your device, so that you won't want to go back. :)

this post!!!!! very true
this post should be made a sticky so any further ranters can read this
A vast majority of the world will not read up on the electronics they buy. Probably 90% or more.

those 90% wont feel the app gap, as they are most probably using the 90% of the apps that an average user need. since we are on the topic of statistics.
GOOGLE support is pathetic,

I hope you understand that this has nothing to do with MS or the OS. Google is afraid of WP, and pissed that MS makes more off Android than they do. Google products worked fine on WP7 until Google went out of their way to block them.
Good posts ......ide like to add....I have noticed in the last few months that Microsoft is really serious about making WP a real success and are not only encouraging Devs to make apps....but are helping us too
I hope you understand that this has nothing to do with MS or the OS. Google is afraid of WP, and pissed that MS makes more off Android than they do. Google products worked fine on WP7 until Google went out of their way to block them.
Of course lol :)
For Security reasons nothing more bro.
Thanks everyone for your opinions, i really value them and especially Ian who made me feel welcome on my first day in the Windows Forums.
I'm not giving up just yet, what i'm gonna do is wait until Windows 10 is released maybe everything will get sorted out.

Keep us posted with questions and thoughts about WP and the ecosystem. :) It's different from Android in that we rely more on third-party apps, and I understand that you might be "scared" to use third-party apps, but... Ask around and you'll see that the third-party apps we have are very secure. :)
I can understand how you feel, and I still get frustrated by the app gap at times. Remember, though, that the same issue existed for android users not too long ago. For me though, I'm not a heavy app user. Other than games, I would say that the only apps I use consistently are Facebook, OfficeLens and my bank app.... Most everything else I do is with the native system. Cortana, for me, is extremely helpful and has several times kept me from being late for appointments by reminding me when its time to leave if I want to make it on time. I would say also say that the interface, while it can't be personalized to the extent of an android system, just works and is very intuitive... I can get around much, much quicker on my windows phone then I ever could on android. In fact, I was given a very nice android phone a few weeks ago and figured I would try it again, hoping to get access to some apps I would truly like to have, but I couldn't take it... I think I used the phone for about 2 hours before putting the sim back in my 8x.

So, I think my best advice is to just use the phone and get to know it. I think that the more you do the more you'll come to appreciate the system and those 'missing' apps will seem much less important
I recently switched from an iPhone 5c to the Lumina 1520 and while I do miss a few of the apps I used often, like Amazon Music, I am mostly satisfied with my decision to switch. My Lumina 1520 is a wonderful piece of kit--large beautiful screen and the camera is out of this world good. In my opinion, Windows Phone as an operating system is better than Android (or at least the last version of Android I used) and is every bit as good as iOS. It's the lack of and the lesser quality of 3rd party apps that is holding the platform back. I love having tiles that corral everything my wife or my boss sends me, which makes keeping track of information from VIPs much easier. I love Cortana's integration with my Bluetooth headset. She reads me incoming texts and gives me a choice to respond or ignore. I love the degree of customization that I have with the Live Tiles. And I can't wait to get the Band that I think is under the Christmas tree and see how it integrates with my 1520.

About a week ago, I posted that my satisfaction level was an 8. I'd say that it has increased a bit since then. Do I miss my iPhone? Sometimes. But if I were to switch away from the 1520 and go back to iOS, there are elements of the device and of WP that I would miss as well. So I'd say that's a good thing overall. I think that Windows Phone has a tremendous amount of potential, so I would advise you to hang in there, but I could completely understand if you wish to go back. Good luck!
Hello WP community.
I'm here to share with you my story, which revolves around switching from android to windows 8.1.
When i first heard of windows phone i googled it right way and what i saw was a clean and smooth OS and very polished interface, so i was very impressed and i had the urge to switch from LAGdroid to WP and so i did.
I loved it very much at first but after one month of using it, i started to regretting it.
I couldn't find apps i use daily on other platforms,even worse the ones tha does exist are super inferior in quality and features compared to their counterparts.
This has driven me crazy as i spent 600$ to get the HTC one for windows.
This is the last time i buy windows phone,
Shame on microsoft and the devs, instagram still BETA after a year really?
I see no future at all for this platform.

Windows Phone is the most stable, reliable mobile operating system platform on the market. That being said, it isn't for everyone. I've always likened Windows Phone OS as something the enterprise or business community benefits from. Being of that segment, I can say that the integrated onedrive, MS suite, and Skype has been an integral part of my day-to-day work flow. The user interface is sleek and the applications on the market generally don't have as much bloatware as their android or ios counterparts.

Yes, the selection is smaller~ and that can be a deal breaker for some. For others, the reliability of the software/hardware, the interface, and general "experience" of the platform makes up for that shortcoming.

Sorry to see you leave. But windows phone, at least in my opinion, is one of the best investments Microsoft has ever made. Let apple keep their fanboys, and let google cater to people that tinker with their phone's internal software and ever-present malware threats.
Well Hexcare, I get it that some versions of apps aren't 100% up to date with Androne or MePhone versions - but what I have always liked with WP is how well whatever versions of the apps run on my phone. I'm also big into the user interface of the phone. Hey, I and others bought these things 3-4 years ago when "app gap" was a huge understatement - and you know I still liked it better. My 2 cents - live with it a few months and if you're still not happy, it's possible Sail Fish will be out - which will give you back all of your android apps and give you a much cleaner system!
The "app gap" complaint/argument is so old at this point. Do people not realize that there are now 500,000 apps in the Windows Phone Store and that mostly all of the biggies are there??? So what if something like Instagram is called "beta" on WP? It's there and it's fully functional. Stop kvetching and either stick with Windows Phone or give up your device and let someone else who enjoys the platform buy it.

Personally, I've been using Windows Phone for over 2 years now and have never complained about not having an app that I need. Everything I've ever needed has been available. If there isn't an official one, there are always great third party alternatives.
this goes some way to explain why Google is pretty much a dirty word around here. I personally advise everyone to stop using Google services and delete their Google accounts

I always cringe when I hear the phrase "I googled it..." And I'm sure the look on my face is none too happy when someone tells me to "google" something. I do not google things.
Ok folks!

No need to drive this thread any further.
Our thanks to the members who offered help the OP here in earnest.

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