I got to know that cyan update is available for India. I am using DP 8.1 do I have to downgrade to windows 8 black to get cyan update please clarify. Cannot wait if i have to downgrade I am ready to.. By need clarification from people who did it.. I am from India using NL 1520
I personally think the information here has been inconsistent. However, if the actual path for millions of USA Developer Preview users to go Cyan/Official 8.1 is to go back to 8.0 through some downgrade process, I have a HUGE bone to pick with Microsoft.
It's too technical a path. I cannot believe there is not a DP8.1 > Prod 8.1/Cyan smooth transition.
Who feels the same?
Red 1520, ATT
So... I've Read The Rules. By rights you should have gotten no response to your post. However, I'll help out anyway.
Sorry OP. I read the thread and as many others have pointed out - you are wrong.
For an outstanding example of the attitude you need to maintain when using things like the Preview for Developers program, please read and understand the following section from webOS Internals regarding testing feeds which is labeled, "Rules that you must agree to before using these feeds:" Testing Feeds - WebOS Internals If you can't maintain that attitude you have no business modifying any device whatsoever... Period. Game over. Stop. Proceed no further.
Conspiracy to gather testers? LOLz. Open call is more like it.
"There is a fix and I REFUSE to use it." OK. Doesn't hurt anyone but you. Certainly it is no skin off Microsoft's nose.
There is a $5.00 limit on the remedy you can seek from Microsoft if using the Preview for Developers is not a pleasant experience for you. You agreed to that limit when you installed the PfD App. I suggest you apply for that $5.00, await their determination of eligibility quietly and move on.
The rest is just useless and misguided kvetching.
Nothing that major in cyan anyway, not worth the hassle.
I think this was a grand experiment by Microsoft. And I think it worked out to mutual benefit, but particularly to Microsoft's for all of the testers they gained. They have been doing this at least as far back as Windows 95. Windows 95 beta was near feature complete and very stable and it was free. And while the fact that you had to start fresh with the final build of Win95 may somewhat undermine the point of my original post, it does serve to illustrate this tactic has been used by Microsoft many times before to get hordes of testers.
Developers already have a channel. This was something completely different with the name Developer on it.
Mmmm.. Brightness profiles, Dolby 5.1 recording in videos (930 and 1520), Motion data, quicker OS etc...
Yeah, absolutely nothing at all...
Now, begone!!!!
... Also when you upgrade to the WP 8.1 DP it does warn you that can't roll back (although that is technically incorrect as you can reflash). This warning should say it all, you are doing this at your own risk.
Never the less it has been recommended you downgrade to get Cyan as the Cyan for the developer preview has been halted until they have a fix. So your other option is just wait until said fix is pushed out.
You have proven part of my point. "warn you that you can't roll back" which is true and then tell you that you must roll back to get the upgrade. Do you see the contradiction there?
I see a lot of conjecture that if we wait for the Bitlocker fix then we can have Cyan/8.1 without falling back to 8.0. But Microsoft hasn't stated this. If so, please point it out to me.
I'm willing to wait for facts. I came into this thread thinking everyone had to downgrade, I heard from (royal) you that only and at this moment folks with the Bitlocker in use have to.
I do appreciate the discussion.
I do get some of what you are saying. The bug doesn't affect me. But it is a great bit more technical to downgrade than it was to sign up for DP and download an app.
I'm not protesting on grounds that I don't have the technical skill to do so, as I have done it before. I am protesting on the grounds that it is a big technical leap from signing up for the DP for people that can't or would be intimidated to downgrade.
You don't need to go back to 8.0 to update to Cyan. If you have bitlocker, then yes you have to go back, but there are plenty of people in the 925 thread who have updated from DP -> Cyan. So calm down guys...don't downgrade
I personally think the information here has been inconsistent. However, if the actual path for hundreds of USA Developer Preview users to go Cyan/Official 8.1 is to go back to 8.0 through some downgrade process, I have a HUGE bone to pick with Microsoft.
It's too technical a path. I cannot believe there is not a DP8.1 > Prod 8.1/Cyan smooth transition.
Who feels the same?
Red 1520, ATT