I think Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

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Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Brace yourself. The "messiah" Windows 10s fail is going to be so big that not only Ms will be disappointed but also fans. Days of big massive corporate softwares are over. Its the age of small companies making fast cute software apps like Slack, Spotify, BitBucket, flexible projects like Git, DropBox, Viber, open source solutions with small scales like FireFox OS, clouds like Docs, the stupid term IoT. I can see how developers, end users and now even CORPORATE users pick little from here, little from there and extremely quickly build their own ecosystem in a few hours with possibly the best free solutions ever provided by flexible teams of 10-15 developers, talented designers and so on. Nobody needs this Windows everywhere ecosystems, Apple devices ecosystems, even Googles obsession with Internet. People are a lot more open minded than, say, 4-5 years ago. The era of one company provides one ecosystem like Ms, Apple and others are trying to achieve is over. These big corps are going to fail in a long term. No one is using these Cortanas and tiles and crap. People nowadays appreciate more their time and prefer to socialize in real life going to a vacation in Italy, Paris, beautiful mountains, sea side and so on with their families and friends.. pick the first phone out there no matter what OS is running do their calls, check their calories with FitBit app and throw these screens away to live their lives. The idea of Windows 10 is obsession of one ecosystem, provided by a big corporation, trying to be cool giving things for "free" and with ugly colors. People now just do their current job and do not think of technology anymore. I think from these big names Google are the only close to such thinking, yet so far. This "messiah" Windows 10, what exactly is trying to save? A big failing corporation? The truth is noone gives a damn about Windows these days, as long as one finds a quick way to do a particular task. naah

Trolling Windows threads now? Couldn't hold your own in the Android threads so you come over here to embarrass yourself?
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Dude, like Eddie Murphy said in "Raw", have a Coke and a smile and shut....

Jesus said to beware of false prophets.
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Brace yourself. The "messiah" Windows 10s fail is going to be so big that not only Ms will be disappointed but also fans. Days of big massive corporate softwares are over. Its the age of small companies making fast cute software apps like Slack, Spotify, BitBucket, flexible projects like Git, DropBox, Viber, open source solutions with small scales like FireFox OS, clouds like Docs, the stupid term IoT. I can see how developers, end users and now even CORPORATE users pick little from here, little from there and extremely quickly build their own ecosystem in a few hours with possibly the best free solutions ever provided by flexible teams of 10-15 developers, talented designers and so on. Nobody needs this Windows everywhere ecosystems, Apple devices ecosystems, even Googles obsession with Internet. People are a lot more open minded than, say, 4-5 years ago. The era of one company provides one ecosystem like Ms, Apple and others are trying to achieve is over. These big corps are going to fail in a long term. No one is using these Cortanas and tiles and crap. People nowadays appreciate more their time and prefer to socialize in real life going to a vacation in Italy, Paris, beautiful mountains, sea side and so on with their families and friends.. pick the first phone out there no matter what OS is running do their calls, check their calories with FitBit app and throw these screens away to live their lives. The idea of Windows 10 is obsession of one ecosystem, provided by a big corporation, trying to be cool giving things for "free" and with ugly colors. People now just do their current job and do not think of technology anymore. I think from these big names Google are the only close to such thinking, yet so far. This "messiah" Windows 10, what exactly is trying to save? A big failing corporation? The truth is noone gives a damn about Windows these days, as long as one finds a quick way to do a particular task. naah

I suppose you have facts and figures to back up every bit of this anti-Microsoft drivel, do you?

I also think you need to go back to school and learn what paragraphs are!!!!
Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive success

Brace yourself. I would comment more but all we have right now is a preview so, if I did, I would be talking out of my behind.

I'm linking what I see so far especially seeing as, most of the time, I'm within an application doing actual work to really focus on what the OS is doing.

wpcontinue: You might want to get out more.
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Who care bro ... I have an android and a lumia 1520 fail or not fail couldnt care less
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Fun read, 10.6/10, would read again for fun. -IGN
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Another lonely dude looking for attention.
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Brace yourself. The "messiah" Windows 10s fail is going to be so big that not only Ms will be disappointed but also fans. Days of big massive corporate softwares are over. Its the age of small companies making fast cute software apps like Slack, Spotify, BitBucket, flexible projects like Git, DropBox, Viber, open source solutions with small scales like FireFox OS, clouds like Docs, the stupid term IoT. I can see how developers, end users and now even CORPORATE users pick little from here, little from there and extremely quickly build their own ecosystem in a few hours with possibly the best free solutions ever provided by flexible teams of 10-15 developers, talented designers and so on. Nobody needs this Windows everywhere ecosystems, Apple devices ecosystems, even Googles obsession with Internet. People are a lot more open minded than, say, 4-5 years ago. The era of one company provides one ecosystem like Ms, Apple and others are trying to achieve is over. These big corps are going to fail in a long term. No one is using these Cortanas and tiles and crap. People nowadays appreciate more their time and prefer to socialize in real life going to a vacation in Italy, Paris, beautiful mountains, sea side and so on with their families and friends.. pick the first phone out there no matter what OS is running do their calls, check their calories with FitBit app and throw these screens away to live their lives. The idea of Windows 10 is obsession of one ecosystem, provided by a big corporation, trying to be cool giving things for "free" and with ugly colors. People now just do their current job and do not think of technology anymore. I think from these big names Google are the only close to such thinking, yet so far. This "messiah" Windows 10, what exactly is trying to save? A big failing corporation? The truth is noone gives a damn about Windows these days, as long as one finds a quick way to do a particular task. naah

Is your enter key broken? Or did you just not learn about paragraphs in school?
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Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Is you're enter key broken? Or did you just not learn about paragraphs in school?

Did you go to the same school? It's "your", not you're.

This is what happens when people try to be the Internet Grammar Police. Let's keep in mind that English is not always a member's 1st language.
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