I think Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

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Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Did you go to the same school? It's "your", not you're.

This is what happens when people try to be the Internet Grammar Police. Let's keep in mind that English is not always a member's 1st language.

small typo>wall of text
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

Read the title & hoped for a reasonable explanation, but I'm not disappointed... Got a good laugh, thanks for that
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

You realize that all those little apps and ecosystem things require to be ran on an OS right? And Windows 10 is the OS, not the little apps on it. Currently the apps are being programmed for Windows and OSX for PCs, and Android/IOS/(WP sometimes) for mobile. Windows 10 is not competing against these application developers. And yes, it really does matter what OS they choose. If they choose ChromeOS, there are applications it doesn't support. If they choose Linux, same deal, same with Windows and OSX as well. In the end, Windows 10 is a huge deal for OS design and Application design. While it itself isn't competing with applications, the unification of the code across devices allows developers to make an app that will hit MORE devices without changing anything. This is what is important.
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

You realize that all those little apps and ecosystem things require to be ran on an OS right? And Windows 10 is the OS, not the little apps on it. Currently the apps are being programmed for Windows and OSX for PCs, and Android/IOS/(WP sometimes) for mobile. Windows 10 is not competing against these application developers. And yes, it really does matter what OS they choose. If they choose ChromeOS, there are applications it doesn't support. If they choose Linux, same deal, same with Windows and OSX as well. In the end, Windows 10 is a huge deal for OS design and Application design. While it itself isn't competing with applications, the unification of the code across devices allows developers to make an app that will hit MORE devices without changing anything. This is what is important.

And this what would make Windows 10 superior to any other OS out there..
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

I think we've fed the troll enough now.

Same time next week?
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

LMFAO & SMH @ the OP.

If English is his first language ... oyyy
Re: Windows 10 is going to be an epic massive flop

The entirety of the Internet needs to agree on laws against these kinds of opinion-as-fact troll threads.
This clown has received more air-time from all of us than he deserves. That is all he is looking for, he wants responses... He doesn't care if you love him or hate him... just don't ignore him.....Having said that, I am going to charge my Surface Pro 3 and check the tracking number of my beautiful 1520 that is due to arrive tomorrow.
All those in favor of closing this thread say "Aye".

Sent from my Slime Green Lumia 1520
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