Icon Or Stay With 928?


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I've been considering the Icon since my work will pay for it. I am currently on the 928. I've considered the Icon Mainly due to the higher resolution, longer battery life, snappier CPU, extra row of tiles and improved camera. The only thing I wish it had was MicroSD as I am a storage hog because I still prefer to have my music on the device and not in the cloud (though I do have unlimited data still.)

Not holding my breath for a Windows 8.1 phone with more storage expansion options, so I am a few clicks away from ordering an Icon today.

Anyone else find it worth upgrading from the 928? Anyone holding out for newer phones this fall?

Considering the same, but the lack of glance screen and Xenon flash have deterred me. I like the increased pixels and higher camera resolution, but I am happy with the photos from my 928 and the 928 screen is just fine for what I do. I would like to know more about the AWS (advanced wireless services) that the icon has but 928 doesn't as of yet. This might persuade me. However, the 928 might get this and I don't know exactly where Verizon has rolled this out.
Same with me...don't think I can live without glance. I want the better camera and screen but think I will hold out for the 1020 Verizon version with (hopefully) and SD slot. I also would like to have a Xenon flash, 41 mp camera, glance and then all the rest of the Icon hardware (screen size and resolution. processor, etc. Oh and I would like it in RED.

Considering the same, but the lack of glance screen and Xenon flash have deterred me. I like the increased pixels and higher camera resolution, but I am happy with the photos from my 928 and the 928 screen is just fine for what I do. I would like to know more about the AWS (advanced wireless services) that the icon has but 928 doesn't as of yet. This might persuade me. However, the 928 might get this and I don't know exactly where Verizon has rolled this out.
I loved my 928 but just made the switch to an Icon. Although I miss all the things you mention (Glance, xenon flash), the speed increase is understated! I was amazed at how much quicker the Icon feels. I was never really concerned with the speed of my 928, but after spending a few hours with the Icon, the 928 feels outdated. Also the camera, despite the lack of xenon flash, is better, and the speed increase makes using Nokia Camera even more enjoyable.

I signed up for Edge hoping this summer brings an even better phone, but in the meantime, I'm happy with the Icon.
Good advice everyone. Glance isn't a biggie for me. I do take a LOT of pictures with my 928, so trying to decide of the Xenon flash will be a big deal.
Same with me...don't think I can live without glance. I want the better camera and screen but think I will hold out for the 1020 Verizon version with (hopefully) and SD slot. I also would like to have a Xenon flash, 41 mp camera, glance and then all the rest of the Icon hardware (screen size and resolution. processor, etc. Oh and I would like it in RED.

So you think the 1020 (or newer, similar phone) will come to Verizon?
Good advice everyone. Glance isn't a biggie for me. I do take a LOT of pictures with my 928, so trying to decide of the Xenon flash will be a big deal.

Of your pictures how much of them are in extremely low light? I had a 928 and dark pictures are where the xenon flash excelled. Although, the one thing I didn't like about it was the yellow hue it created. The first thing I noticed about the difference in the pictures from the 928 to the icon was the clarity. The icon is just a much clearer pic especially once your crop/edit etc. Yes is it not as good in low light, but I just use the flash or manual exposure ton compensate.

As others have said the screen, battery life and the speed are what make it a great device. Heck if work is paying for it why not? It looks like the next windows phone for Verizon is that Samsung that leaked today.
If your company will pay for it, do it. I had a 928 and loved it. Never really had any complaints about it. If you will miss the glance screen and xenon flash, I say hold on for now. 928 has the specs to run WP 8.1. The .5 inch screen difference is huge. Man do I love it. Its the balance between phone and phablet. Its nearly replacing my surface. The sun readability feature is on point. Its hardware is the best right now. Its a damn sexy looking phone. I have the white version. The only thing I don't like is the Verizon 4g LTE logo on the back. Battery can be an issue at times, but its a huge display with amoled. I carry the Nokia portable charger with me just in case. I am enjoying it so far. With the update coming soon, I will probably like it even more. I kind of just told you to get the Icon, but if you want to stay with the 928 I wouldn't hate on that either. Good luck. Either way, you will be fine.
I swapped my 928 for an Icon and do not regret it. Yes, Glance was nice, but not a show stopper. The Xenon flash was nice too, but again, not a show stopper. I don't take a lot of photos indoors to justify it. The 20MP camera is superb and the half inch different in screen size is nice. Storage is not a major issue for me. I have music on my phone and that is pretty much it. I off load photos every few days; 20MP DNG RAW photos use up space quickly. I also have 30GB of storage on OneDrive, so I have some wiggle room for other stuff.

My two cents.
I also traded in my 928 for the Icon and don't regret it at all. I was also concerned about the lack of a xenon flash, but the difference just isn't big at all. No matter what, I'm able to take better pictures with my Icon, regardless of the flash. Glance is somewhat missed, but I got over it real fast. The specs, MUCH better screen, and future proof of the device mean a lot more to me. I imagine the newer hardware will come in handy when 8.1 rolls out.

As for the storage concerns, I question if we'll ever see a Nokia phone on Verizon that allows microSD support.
One of the things that still has me on the fence in addition to the Xenon Flash is the speaker. The 928 has a beast of a speaker, albeit with not too great in the bass department, but still, loud and enjoyable. How is the speaker on the Icon?

Don't really care about Glance too much. Tried it and it was cool to have, but I didn't want to spend the battery to keep it running.
The speaker on the Icon is weak. Sometimes its loud if the recording or what's playing is high quality but usually its pretty weak. I used to have my 928 volume on 12, my Icon is on 18 sometimes 20.

I've gotten over glance, but double tap to wake I miss.

Everything else everyone says is true, the 928 is a very solid phone, the Icon is a great upgrade. The best part is that the Icon is only a tad taller & smidge wider, which I can't notice. And we most likely won't see another Lumia phone on Verizon until next year.
It really does come down to the screen. The camera is not better enough to justify the switch. I'm very happy with the Icon but the 928 has a lot going for it.
If the company is paying for the phone, maybe but, with 8.1 coming out there will be a flood of new devices coming out summer to fall time this year. If you get only one upgrade per year or 2, I might say wait.

I thought about it, and yea, a bigger screen MIGHT be a little better and the better camera, maybe, the 928 does a great job with photos but, over all, it's the same phone, your day to day WP 8 features and apps wont be any different, then you STILL have a storage problem, if your tight now, you will be JUST AS TIGHT with the ICON.

I know people are happy about getting the ICON and yea it looks like it's a overall nice device but, it does not solve my problems with the 928 (mainly space, never mind the other 928 bugs) so I said I will wait till 8.1 devices hit (as I expect MOST will have MicroSD, as 8.1 will support apps to SD)...

I would skip it and wait till the 8.1 devices hit, you prob will get what you REALLY want.....
If the company is paying for the phone, maybe but, with 8.1 coming out there will be a flood of new devices coming out summer to fall time this year. If you get only one upgrade per year or 2, I might say wait.

By flood, do you mean maybe two more devices? One of which being from Samsung? Because that's all I see coming to Verizon. It's not ridiculous to think that the Icon IS our wp8.1 flagship.
By flood, do you mean maybe two more devices? One of which being from Samsung? Because that's all I see coming to Verizon. It's not ridiculous to think that the Icon IS our wp8.1 flagship.

Verizon is one thing but, rumor has it that Microsoft is starting a whole new program with 8.1 with new phones....I'm sure a lot will pop up soon.. Yea for Windows Phone a FLOOD is 2-3 devices :(

The ICON was BUILT as a Windows Phone 8 device, sure top for verizon but, NOT a 8.1 device. Time will tell with the changes coming with 8.1 if every phone will be able to take advange/support of all the features in 8.1....
Verizon is one thing but, rumor has it that Microsoft is starting a whole new program with 8.1 with new phones....I'm sure a lot will pop up soon.. Yea for Windows Phone a FLOOD is 2-3 devices :(

The ICON was BUILT as a Windows Phone 8 device, sure top for verizon but, NOT a 8.1 device. Time will tell with the changes coming with 8.1 if every phone will be able to take advange/support of all the features in 8.1....

I'm not convinced of this. I think it could very well be that we'll be seeing the exact same specs and abilities in Martini that we have with our beloved Icon. I think not having glance is a clue in that direction. It could very well be that there are glance features that WP8.1 hardware has the WP8 hardware does not, thus they're waiting to roll out Glance at all on this device until the WP8.1 update.

Just my theorizing.
I'm not convinced of this. I think it could very well be that we'll be seeing the exact same specs and abilities in Martini that we have with our beloved Icon.

I guess time will tell as more information comes out, Personally I am convinced that there will be other features that current models can not take advantage of. This is one of the big reasons I will skip the ICON and stick with the buggy 928 for now...

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