If you were in charge of the Windows Phone platform, what 5 changes would you make?


New member
Nov 16, 2013
A little unrealism about the matter is just fine. So if you were able to make any 5 changes to the platform, what would they be?

1) Xbox Live Mobile: A massive shift in the way XBL is handled would occur. The restrictions and criteria would be drastically reduced so that most anyone can get into it regardless of whether they're a big name or a struggling indie. Also I'd make it such that mobile XBL games have the ability to be worth 1000GS instead of capping out at 200 (IIRC, Halo's the only one that's even 250). People gotta love the platform before development booms... but people gotta have fun before they love the platform.

2) Carrier Power Reduction: I understand the need for carriers to get their crapware on a machine so that their partners are happy... but they have too much power; and the end result is extraordinarily disadvantageous to users. While the world would be a better place without AT&T, TMO and VZW carrier crap it could all be offered through a portal that doesn't leave users waiting months/a year for an update that other users already have. These firmware updates come with drivers to accommodate each subset of specific hardware anyway, so it's not like some special piece of hardware means other users should wait longer. Everyone could globally get an update (lets say a hypothetical 10.1) on the same day... but there'd be a ~56MB package of appx installers pushed dedicated to making sure the carrier can get their stuff on your system... then (like we have it now) users could delete it as they please.

3) Improved MOGA Hero Support: Anyone who's got extensive experience with the NVIDIA Shield has already experienced how awesome it is to be able to universally map screen press areas and gestures to a button, joystick or trigger. There's public APIs that allow a user to manually integrate the MOGA into their game, but the mainstreaming of that is a slow-moving process that users shouldn't have to wait for. I picture an era where someone can install a brand new FPS on their phone (like the newly released Evolution Online) and be able to map controls the way they like if they just so happen to dislike how the onscreen controls feel.

4) Native NFC Payment: Softcard is nice... and even though I whined and moaned about being forced into American Express Serve, the instant discounts and cash back on purchases with AMEX Serve has definitely been sweet enough to justify the $1/mo charge. But it's limited to only a couple devices... and further limited by who can use it (globally speaking). I decided to go back from my Lumia 830 to my Lumia 820 and despite having both NFC and Cyan... I can no longer use Softcard. That's a bit insane seeing as those are the only two proposed criteria. Google Wallet has nailed this some time ago... even Apple Pay's catching up. Why aren't we able to just tap-to-pay with a first-party option yet?

5) Hardware Control: We don't need ten 512MB phones to cater to the low end. ONE well-planned 512MB low-range for the people who only have a fifty to their name, ONE midrange phone, ONE high-end 5-incher and ONE powerhouse phablet would be enough. That's just more hardware you have to roll out new firmware to. More parts that your OEM has to manage and replace. Regional barriers could be easily conquered if the phone were loaded with enough antennas to make it a world phone in the first place. Then no "international edition" needs to be made, nor any incremental number change for different carriers. Simplicity is something the entire Windows Phone platform is horribly lacking in... and I don't see anything about this entire experience becoming polished when there's so much the OEM has to focus on.

That's mine, what are yours. Also feel free to comment on people's recommendations.
1. Make it seem faster!
2. Improved keyboard
3. Optimization for all phones
4. A guillotine for those whiny people😃
5. Work with MS on development process
2. More Rendering Engine options for third party browsers (ie is terrible on some sites, hopefully Spartan fixes that)
3 & 4. Bring back bing maps and add automatic voice navigation to bing maps
5. 100% of games in app store should be xbox live compatible, even if total gamerscore is only 20 points.
Make the platform more free stop the restrictions give the developers offer what they want if someone don't like live tiles give him another option or at least give him option to create the home screen like he wants not just rearranged also pick his favorite app to be the default and making android apps run on this platform is a good idea to fix the main thing pushing it away from popularity
Make the platform more free stop the restrictions give the developers offer what they want if someone don't like live tiles give him another option or at least give him option to create the home screen like he wants not just rearranged also pick his favorite app to be the default and making android apps run on this platform is a good idea to fix the main thing pushing it away from popularity

You should just buy an Android.
-I want to save WhatsApp chat history on phone with ability transferring it to PC (if MS responsible for this) Also..
- edit (personal) keyboard dictionary
- save all incoming Bluetooth files with one ACCEPTance. Right now we have to accept all files separately

Well the rest works good for me
Option to lock on 3g/4g only.
Real multitask (like my old N9/N900)
Better battery life
With this I'm just fine.
I would overhaul the music player it's crap. It's slow and need a UI refresh and also needs better album art implementation. HTC music player on Android is amazing. I'd also change the keyboard in landscape,why oh why doesn't Microsoft use the full length of the screen in landscape for typing?? Much more I could not think of right now
1)lockscreen overhaul or wud just develop live lockscreen beta to full potential.
2)music app overhaul
3)bring the tile explosive feature that was supposed to come with windows 10
4)make a flagship & redefine midrange with a lumia 830 dat has full hd amoled screen at same price point.
5)close app gap.

P.S-windows phone 8 was perfect
Windowsphone 8.1 screwd few bits..
Windows 10 will screw all..i hate the way start screen looks now. :/
1) voice recognition everywhere
2) better support for embedded videos
3) enable editing numbers in the dial pad
4) stick to the Metro design
5) keep up the good work :)
-stick to metro design
-kick out low quality apps, like skype, until they make it worth the 16mb it downloads
-NEVER remove or change features/functions, add more and keep the rest for the ones who liked it
-fire the skype dev team

1 flagship universal apps
2-5 as per 1

Could start with Calendar. What a piece of under functioning rubbish is that.
And if you thought the phone app was not much chop, the Modern is even worse.

Yes. I know there are third party apps but I haven't found one that is Modern as well.
1- one new flagship (935) along the new 1030
2- end production of carrier exclusive phones
3- persuade Snapchat to make an app, and Instagram and others to improve theirs
4- fix Games hub. Seriously, that thing still sucks
5- more marketing, ffs
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Make it dispense food
Make it print money
Make it your friends
Make it smarter
Make it bring world peace

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