2) Clash of Clans and Real Racing 3 to WP/W10
3) Almost like 1, Xbox controller support (see the Z3, you can do remote play with it and a ps4 controller) and some xbox games to go with it
4) Make it easier for xbox certification
5) Landscape across the OS, starting with the home screen (idk how the wide tiles will play with this, guess its what comes with live tiles)
And a few more ones
6) Invert colors
7) BETTER MARKETING (seriously, the 730 could have screw the Moto G2 in India if it was advertised properly)
8) Only three or four phones like Motorola or the iPhone e.g. 5xx 7xx 9xx and a 15xx. Idk about India, but should be available to all carriers in carrier locked regions like USA, and have clear differentiating factors.
9) Snap chat, Instagram, and Google apps to WP/W10