If you're having battery issues, overheating, "Resuming.." or delayed power button wakes, try these!

Re: If you're having battery issues, overheating, "Resuming.." or delayed power button wakes, try th

After trying the first part,running all the apps I have installed and I haven't run before and two soft reset...look at the screenshot. I charged my phone yesterday night before bed,but my phone says now I haven't charge it for 39days & 3hrs.

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Re: If you're having battery issues, overheating, "Resuming.." or delayed power button wakes, try th

Testing with 'Insider' reveals that the sensor for 'charge level' is really badly calibrated. It stays at 100% for hours and then drops.
Seems that this data should be taken with not a grain but rather a truck load of salt.

Anyhow, after all these steps the discharge rate at idle is around 1-1.5%/hour. With some use it goes up depending on activity. Playing music with Nokia Mix Radio doesn't use much battery at all while playing videos uses a bit more. I'd say with average use the draw is 3-6%/hour. The battery life is on average 24 hours.

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